Chapter 20 The Reception

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After the service, everyone headed to the reception. Mr. Lee opened his building and beach for the reception. There were tables, chairs, tents,umbrellas,a stage, and a dance floor, all set up on the beach. A sound system and lights circled the whole thing. Flowers and streamers decorated every inch of the beach. The food was being served from inside of The Pop Shop. Drinks were all in ice buckets every few feet around the beach. A band was already set up and playing everyone's favorite songs. A karaoke machine was set up on the side of the pop shop. Buggies lined the streets as everyone found their spots at the tables. Waiters and waitresses frantically filled everyone's flutes with champagne. A hush fell over the crowd as the white carriage pulled up. The musicians started playing Bachs March in D as the carriage door opened. Uncle stepped out and extended his white glove towards the carriage doorway.A slender white gloved hand reached up and took his hand. Stepping out of the carriage,Heejin looked as if she was gliding on a cushion of sweet spring air. The two,hand in hand, walked down the long white carpet towards the dance floor. As they walked down the carpet, everyone stood and raised their flutes up with their left hands, while placing their right hands, with the sign of the tree, over their hearts.Once there, the band immediately started playing a minuet by Haendel. With the ocean behind them and the sand in front,it was like the King and Queen of Nature had decided to grace the village with a dance. After a few turns and dips, the couple broke off towards the crowd and invited everyone to join in. Once the dance was finished, everyone returned to their respective seats. DING, DING,DING, was heard as a hush fell over the crowd. Mr. Lee slowly rose, holding up his flute in his left hand and the sign of the tree over his heart. In his deep voice, he first thanked all the waiters and waitresses, the cooks, the decorators, the musicians, and the bartenders for their service. I'm sure everyone here knows me,if not,I'm Mr. Lee. A roar of cheers and laughter erupted from the crowd. I was born here,left here,came back here,married here,raised my family here,built my business here,and will die here. I have had the privilege to be at almost every one of the weddings that have taken place under that tree in the last fifty or so odd years. I have helped you and your families through the good times and bad. I have watched the children of this village from birth to death. I have laughed and cried with each and every one of you. Fifteen years ago, a young man came to me with nothing but a baby and a dream. To live in a place where they would be accepted as part of the village. A place where everyone would not only know their names but treat them like the family he so desperately wanted for him and his baby. As he explained his circumstances to me, I felt a connection with him deep down in my soul. I reached out for the baby, but he pulled her back. I looked into his eyes and said to him, "The first lesson to learn about being a family is trust. At that point, I was going to tell him this wasn't the right place for him, but before I could, he handed me the baby. She looked up at me with those big brown eyes and smiled such a big smile that it touched my heart. I looked back at him and saw tears flowing down his face. At that point, what could I do. You don't have to be born here to be one of us. Remember, we didn't pick this village,it picked us. This is why we all leave for a bit, but all come back. We are like salmon. We all returned to the place we were born to give birth. Those two might not have been born here, but the village called to them because it knew they belonged here. He paused, then continued. Our lovely Heejin, with her tragic start to life. The apple of her parents' eye. Remember how we all gathered outside of the hospital that fateful night. The cold pouring rain stung our skin. The cold cuts us straight to our souls. NOT A ONE LEFT! Even after we heard the news that the Lord took her parents, yet spared our Heejin, did we leave. Not until we could take Heejin home with us where she belonged. Remember how widow Choi took Heejin in and raised her like her own, just days after Mr. Choi had passed. Remember how the doctors said our Heejin would never be able to have a family of her own? THEY WERE WRONG! OUR VILLAGE! AND OUR TREE, ALWAYS PROVIDES! THEY ALWAYS HAVE A PLAN FOR US! Our lives are like the roots of that tree, all intertwined. And now, for almost as long as I can remember, we have added a new branch to our tree. THE VENTUS BRANCH! With that, the whole crowd cheered as they yelled THE VENTUS BRANCH! With their right hands still over their hearts in the sign of the tree, they all drank their flutes and let out a huge cheer. Mr. Lee bowed his head towards the newlyweds, drank, and sat back down.DING!DING!DING!DING!DING! Everyone looked up again. Nusi was dinging her flute so hard, and so many times, Heejin had to grab it before it broke. Mr. Lee stood up and said, "I think someone wants to add something. Everyone laughed as Mr. Lee gave Nusi the floor. I.. I just want to say, Nusi said, looking very nervous and at a loss for words. This is the best place anyone could ever ask for. And Mr. Lee, you.. you.. and with that, Nusi broke down into tears and threw her arms around the old man's neck and wouldn't let go. Awe, It's ok child, well said, as he patted her back. Everyone cheered again and then went back to the festivities. As always, people sang and danced, ate, and drank and got drunk. It had been all worked out. Uncle and Heejin were taking a five month sailing trip to different ports of call, while Nusi would stay with Mr. Lee until their return. Uncle had obtained the services of an authentic Sloop of War named the Ann Marie, for their journey. It was outfitted with all the modern technologies and even an engine if needed. They would be departing from this beach in a few hours. The main ship would be sending a scull to pick them up. Uncle and Heejin left, and then returned in their normal clothes. The Sloop of War appeared over the horizon, and everyone watched as it sailed in and anchored. A small scull with two men in it rowed towards the beach. With hugs and kisses and best wishes that seem to go on forever,Uncle and Heejin climbed into the scull. Everyone waved and cheered as they reached the ship and boarded it. With the anchor up and sails down, the ship sailed towards the sunset and out of sight. Everyone returned to the party and continued to celebrate until the wee hours of the morning. This was, and always, will be a reception to remember.

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