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Jet was pacing in his dorm back and forth with an alarmed expression on his face. He had literally just did something forbidden with his teacher, Glynda. While yes, Glynda is stern and sharp towards her students he would never ever thought in a million years that the same teacher that would be seductive towards him or do something very lewd with him.

He was having trouble in his classes; it was one of the reasons why he studied with Weiss and Blake in their sessions at the library. He knew he was lacking in his classes no matter how hard he studied on his own, and it wasn't until he started studying with Weiss and Blake to see where he went wrong.

His face lit up as thought back to the girls. Hugging Ruby and holding her close while they were ziplining through the school, Holding Weiss when she sat her butt on him, Blake with her head pats or that time when she licked his cheek, and Yang with her teasing... as Jet thinking about the girls he quickly shook his head and snapped out of it.

'What the hell!? Why is my body just now reacting to this? I mean we've had hugs and touching moments here and there but why am I feeling so... different right now?'

LB: I mean we are at the age. Maybe we're just now getting into it?

RB: No, you idiot, we've been it as soon as we turned 16. Our hormones are just now acting up thanks to our teacher.

LB: Can we even call her that after what just happened?

RB: You're right, maybe we should call her Sexy Professor Babe #1

LB: That is a terrible name!

RB: You got any better ones?

"Can you both shut up for five seconds!?" He shouted loudly unaware that he wasn't alone in his dorm.

"Everything okay?" A gentle voice asked causing Jet to let out a small gasp as he turned around and went into a fighting stance, looking at who it was he dropped his guard.

"Oh, it's just you Pyrrha." He sighed in relief as stared at the redhead beauty before him. Pyrrha is a tall woman with long red hair styled in a waist-length ponytail curled into a loose ringlet, pale skin and vivid green eyes.

"Sorry if I scared you." The said woman apologized with a smile. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, why is there something wrong?"

"Well, I called out to you when you were standing at the door back at Glynda's office. You were standing there and then you suddenly ran off like Nora when she's on sugar rush." Pyrrha said.

"Oh yeah...

"Did something happen? I know that you and Ruby were pulled in for that zipline stunt earlier." She asked as Jet waved his hand.

"It was nothing, just some extra stuff that she wanted to go over with me." He replied as he went over to the bed and sat down. "Nothing to worry about." He looked and saw the frown on Pyrrha's face.

"Jet." She called out as the boy.

"Okay, she just wanted to talk to me about my grades and how they weren't improving."

"I thought you were doing well." Pyrrha wondered as she sat next to him.

"I was but my elective classes are the ones I'm having trouble with." He told her, he couldn't exactly say that he just had oral sex with his teacher Glynda. That would cause a lot of problems for him in the future.

"Which ones?" She asked, knowing it wasn't Physical Ed since she knows he's doing well in that elective.

"Well, the first one is Arts class, and you know that class is not exactly easy to pass. Even if I make a somewhat decent dish, I still get graded harshly on it." Jet answered.

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