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                                      𝟏𝟏𝟗 𝐀𝐂.


Astraea, Aemond, Aegon, and Jacaerys stood before Queen Alicent in a line, covered in mud. They'd all been playing in the Godswood together after breaking their fast when Alicent had demanded their presence.

"You're filthy," the Auburn haired woman observed, glaring directly at Jace, who stared at his feet.

"Mother, we were playing a game," Aegon says, sighing. "No one got hurt. I think I'm speaking for all of us when I say I'm confused what we could've done wrong."

Alicent scoffs at her son's words, "Yes because you're too immature to see anything, Aegon. And Astraea, look at you, covered in mud as if you were a little boy! Aemond, I had at least thought you better than this, honestly!"

Astraea winced and moved closer to Aegon, who looked down at her apologetically. Aegon wasn't a stranger to his mother's constant ridicule, he'd known the look Astraea wore well.

"It wasn't her fault, she told us she wanted to go to the library this morning." Jacaerys says, still staring at the floor. "She only came with us because we'd basically dragged her."

Alicent stared at him like he'd grown another head. She had not spoken directly to him the entire time. "Should you not have been training? With...Sir Harwin Strong?"

"No?" Jace blinked.

Aemond looked up at his mother, praying silently she'd just let them go. He knew exactly what her intentions were by saying that.

"A game, thats all it was," Aemond says quietly, "Would you like us to bathe?" He looks up at Alicent and then Astraea, who looked as though she'd wanted to cry.

"Yes, I think we should all bathe and be done with this." Aegon nodded.

"Yes, go. Astraea, stay."

Jacaerys didn't budge from his spot next to her until Aegon nudged him, throwing Astraea an empathetic glance.

"You're growing into a Lady now, you mustn't be a girl forever. Your behaviors are—"

"Your Grace."

"Rhaenyra!" Astraea exclaimed, rushing to the doorway and clutching the princess's skirt. She'd felt her face flush when she realized she'd called her by her name and not title.

"Is everything alright, sweet girl?" The Targaryen knelt and held the girl's chin. Astraea glanced at the Queen and slowly nodded, afraid to say anything that would cross her.

"She is covered in filth." Alicent states.

"She is six," Rhaenyra retorts, "And where are your sons? Where is my son?"

"My sons are none of your concern, Princess. And your son?" The woman in green smiled wryly, "Most likely with his father."

Rhaenyra looked back to Astraea, caressing her cheek. "If you'll allow it, we'll be taking our leave your grace."



The three boys walked down the long corridor leading from the council room together, an awkward tension between them without their glue to keep the pieces from slipping.

"You think shes okay?" Jacaerys anxiously asked, face formed into a pout.

The older of the three shook his head, "No. She's a crybaby, and mother definitely caused her to her cry."

"Shut up, Aegon. She's fine, mother was...checking on her. to see if she was hurt." Aemond crossed his arms, sighing and staring down at the stone as they walked.

"She was not," Thr brunette glared at the boy next to him, "She was yelling! And you think it's not strange she only held Astraea in there?"

"She's fine. Mother wouldn't do anything harmful towards her."

"Is she? Fine?" Aegon raised an eyebrow.

His brother scoffed. "Who's side are you on?"

"There's sides? I thought we were all tolerating each other because Astraea is lovely enough to tolerate for."

"You think she's lovely? Are you even capable of something like that, Aegon?" Jace frowned.

The first born prince shrugged. "I'm certainly not incapable. And Aemond clearly isn't either."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

Aemond stopped walking, scowling and balling his hands into fists. "It means nothing. I'm going to bathe like mother asked."

"Okay, goodbye then, little brother." Aegon smiled snidely at him.

Jacaerys' mind wandered back to the night before, wondering if she'd really still thought of him before her other friends, if he'd still been her favorite.


"I'm sorry Princess," Astraea sniffled as Rhaenyra sat her down on the stairs of her apartment. She was still covered in mud, and discovered it was dry enough to crust and fall off when she picked it uneasily.

"You did nothing of fault, sweet girl. " The princess takes the girls hands into her own,  telling her, "The Queen is an unforgiving woman. All she knows is ridicule and harm."

"My father says the queen is kind. She's the reason I have pretty dresses and why we don't live in places like...like what's out there."

"Your father knows a different Alicent than I, and now you. Would you like the maids to draw you a bath?" The silver haired woman smiled subtly, brushing the dirt gently from Astraea's dress.

Astraea nodded slowly at the princess.
"She is not who he sees her to be?" She asks.

"Not, if you don't breathe the way she wishes." Rhaenyra states, getting up to call a maid, "And in her eyes...you're choking."

"Okay," Astraea says softly. "Are you breathing good?"

Rhaenyra laughed, but Astraea could tell it was layered and coated over a serious tone. "I'm near strangled."

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