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I never been in city big as Aurona. As I walked next to Vyn I couldn't stop looking around me. Everything was so bright, and everyone seemed happy. Magic seeping from everything around. This place is indeed magical as Vyn described on our way here. We walked for a while until a massive castle started to peek out above the roofs. My eyes widened at the sight of beautiful white walls with golden hand paintings around the doors and windows of the castle. My gaze turned to Vyn again.

"Hey Vyn? Who is the king here?" I asked with bit of suspicion in my voice. It took him a while to answer. Like he needed to think about the answer.

"Well of course its king Theon. After his father disappeared, he sat on the throne and wore crown since then. He is not a bad king indeed a very powerful one. Why are you asking? Do you want to go see him or what?"

I thought for a bit but then I nod. He looked forward placing his hands at the back of his head. "Well, I can arrange an audience for you." He grinned at me in friendly way. "That's so nice of you but it's alright I can do it my way."

My eyes darted toward the castle again while we got closer with every step.

"What do you have in mind?" His voice leaked with curiosity while he stared at me without break. I was thinking of way I would actually do it but nothing except climbing up window came to my mind.

"Stop being stubborn and let me help you. I'm one of royal guards. I can get you in without problems!" The smirk of victory on his face told me I really didn't have much of a choice, so I agreed to it.

I was still anxious about the meeting with the king, but it could be the answer to my question. Tere was no avoiding this. I got so far already but it felt like I'm still on the start.

Soon we arrived and thanks to Vyn there was no problem to get over guards outside the castle. I looked around while Vyn lead me through the hallways decorated with beautiful vases and majestic paintings. When we took the last turn right, we faced massive door made out of light wood with carved ornaments in it.

The door opened soon after and we were free to walk in. My eyes widened when I saw the man sitting on the throne. The same man in my dream. Same blonde silky hair, same blue eyes even same white royal uniform. I shook my head and bowed as well with Vyn that went to stand on the side while I stood in front of king. I took a deep breath looking up to him.

"Speak up girl! What do you require of me?" His voice was smooth as silk. I took another deep breath before I finally spoke.

"Your majesty, my land, the village I live in got attacked by lykans that surely escaped from here. As a king you are surely informed about this matter, and I would like to ask you to stop these raids to attack me and the innocent people out there." I made sure to keep my voice as polite as possible, but I didn't want to look weak. His eyes sparkled with disgust when he found out I'm a mortal, but he could very well hide it. All of the sudden his eyes turned toward the guards.

"All of you out! We need to discuss this matter in privacy." The moment he snapped fingers and gave orders everyone listened immediately and left. Now when I was standing here alone with him, I could feel really weird aura around him.

He got up from his throne walking toward me. With every step my anxiety rise. My breath hitched when he was standing just few inches away from me. His gloved hand moved closer grabbing my chin between his fingers. He looked down at me with arrogance and disgust. He didn't even try to hide it anymore like he did in front of his guards.

"Listen to me mortal." He spat out with his eyes darkening into dangerous shade of dark blue. "I will stop the raids, but you have to accomplish my quests."

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