22. Right, Left, Door

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Sweat and blood mixed together and dripped from Nyx's chin on her lap. Her head hung low, tired of keeping it up by the beatings she was getting. The three men had been interrogated her for a while now and they were getting nowhere.

Frustrated by the lack of progress they decided to leave the human girl alone for a while, trying to come up with a new tactic because even though they didn't mind her death, they did mind the lack of information she gave them. Knowing she couldn't escape the basement they left her alone with only a guard on the other side of the door.

While they were up there changing their plans, Nyx came up with a plan of her own. She was aware she couldn't stop their interrogation or escape that situation. She knew she had to wait for the opportune moment, which was right now.

The former HPS soldier analysed her surroundings. There was only one way out which was the door, and that is where she needed to escape from. Then she looked over her bounds. Nyx thought she was doomed because every limb was tightly strapped against the chair, but that wasn't the case anymore. By the many times her chair had fallen over her ankles had become lose from the chair legs. This gave her opportunity. Quickly a plan formed in her head and once she knew what to do, she took a deep breath, trying to cancel out the pain, and in a swift motion she lifted her right leg with such a force her leg became free. She did the same to her left leg.

Nyx took another deep breath, again trying to ignore the pain, closing her eyes, concentrating on her goal. She refused to think that this was going to be the place where she died, refused to think that these idiotic men would be the ones to see her last. She didn't want to give them that privilege.

Once the door opened her eyes flew wide open. The first person to enter was Jackson. After him it took a while but Marcus came in and then finally Viktor. The ultimate order, Nyx thought.

The attack was fast.

When Jackson stood only a feet away she shot up on her feet and headbutted Jackson as hard as possible. The guy recoiled and held his head, right then she threw her body and chair against him, making him fall on the ground. "Fuck," Was loudly cursed by one of the men.

Nyx rolled over Jackson, her chair breaking, resulting her wrists getting untied and freed. She didn't waste any time and kicked Jackson hard in his balls, making him now completely immobile.

She didn't have a lot of time after her kick as Marcus had reached her by then. She had to jump out of the way, avoiding getting hit by him. Nyx noticed quickly he was trying to attack her legs. She managed to keep out of the way of his attacks by moving her body quickly around by turning and spinning. Finally she found an opening and poked her fingers in his eyes, kicked him in the balls too and pushed him over.

She had learned how to overpower a werewolf without having the matching strength like they had. She knew the weak points and attacked them hard. Of course, it was always a gamble, but the element of surprise and her speed helped her.

Now only Viktor was left and he would be a hard opponent, that she knew. That's why in her quick attacks she managed to move them around enough as a group that Viktor now stood far away from the door, and she close by.

Therefore, the moment Marcus fell on the ground she didn't think. She threw the biggest piece of the chair at his head and ran as fast as her body allowed her to be. Darting out of the basement, running past someone else, but paying no mind to them. She knew she needed to be fast and quickly out of sight.

Once at the top of the stairs she noticed it was an abandoned house and the front door was missing, heading towards the light she managed to escape the building.

Running straight forward for a couple of meters, Nyx immediately jumped into the bushes and zigzagged through the forest. She didn't think and let her body take over, knowing what to do.

Then finally when she couldn't hear them she slowed down but kept speed, being now more careful with the movements and noises she was making. Nyx appeared at an opening and recognized the lake she had the picnic with Silas. She noticed she was at the other side of the water. Throwing away her white shirt to be less noticeable, she moved along only in her black sport bra and whatever was left of her pants, and made her way around it carefully.

Nyx reached the picnic spot rather quickly while her body was slowly shutting down, knowing it was close to safety. She had to get through it though, she didn't trust anyone else other than Silas and Nora.

She passed a couple of cabins when she spotted a man a couple of feet away. They made eye contact. Nyx quickly analysed the man and noticed the uniform. She didn't think twice and sprinted away again.

"Hey! Hey come back here!"

Nyx didn't listen.

She passed another man, and another man. They all shouted for her to come back, but she refused. Continuing her search for her mate. She kept making turns, trying to stay out of their way until her legs gave out and she fell down on the mossy forest floor.

Footsteps nearing, approaching her.

Nyx tried standing up, attempting to flee away from any unknown danger.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. You are safe now. It's me Beta Claus. Do you remember me?" The werewolf approached her with great caution. She eyed him wearily and stated, "I-I... don't t-trust any...one b-before I h-have seen S-Silas."

The Beta nodded his head. "I understand. I will get him to you."

Within ten minutes Silas came up running. The moment he settled his eyes on his mate, great relief flooded through his body. As he was running up to her, trying to get Nyx safely in his arms as quickly as possible, she held him back, holding up her hand.

"N-Near the lake... Abandoned h-house... F-four men, Vik..tor, Marcus, J-Jackson, a-and some...one e-else... Go!"

It took a moment for Silas to realize what she said. Once it clicked though he immediately send out ten of his best men out.

As Silas tried again to talk to Nyx and get her to safety, she fainted, exhausting finally caught up to her.

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