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It was that type of pain that burns in the chest
The type that makes you want to sit down
The type of pain that makes it hard to stand up
The type that makes you want to fall on your knees.
It was the type of pain that is numbing,
Such an unendurable pain that the brain has an anesthetic reaction numbing the rest of the body
Apr 5 2024 11:08am

Apr 5 2024 11:52am

Time was passing by so fast With all The tiktoks and the lives, the call of duty matches and UFC fights. Time only slowed down when I thought of you. The memory of you acting as sudden stop, as if your name was some sort of existential pause button that could interrupt my ever rushing mind.
My chest hurts my mind aches your memory exploded all the very repressed emotions I've encountered since you left.
Being a passionate person sucks we love to hard and hurt harder.
Apr 5 12:33pm

Estamos tan cercaaaaa pero tan lejos.
Apr 5 7:16pm

Nunca habia sentido Este tipo de dolor como que tan fuerte pero como que im dismissing it
Like my brains automatic response is to block or something
Porque wey puedo sentir lo mucho que me duele
Puedo sentir mi grito ahogado Puedo sentir las ganas tan Fuertes que Tengo de tumbar esa puerta y exigirle una respuesta
Es El tipo de dolor que me congela
Que me deja sentada viendo a la nada con una dolor en El pecho sin llanto sin nada mas que ese ardor en el corazon
Apr 5 7:19pm

You are definitely stronger than I am
My heart shatters to pieces
Apr 5 7:25pm

My heart hurts 💔
Apr 5 9:25 pm

It's a fucking paralyzing pain
It stops my whole world
It pauses my day
I leave in my head
My mind is blank and all I feel is that burning in my chest
April 6 9:45am

Yaaaaa que se me pase puta Madre
Apr 6 11:18am

I canttrtttttt do this OMG wey I just wanna message you call you something and I don't even have anything to say
Apr 6 11:45am

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⏰ Última actualización: Apr 06, 2024 ⏰

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