Chapter 10: Nothing To Live For

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Hello. I just wanted to apologize for what happened last chapter. I know a lot of you want to kill me now but if you did that you wouldn't know how it ends! I'm nearing the ending but this chapter I'd not it. I hope you all will keep reading to see what happens.

This is dedicated to JCS1226, because I hurt her feels way too much.

Chapter 10: Nothing To Live For
Lucy's P.O.V.

"Natsu?" I asked shaking my cold best friend. "Natsu? Please wake up! This isn't funny! Nat-" I broke down. This feeling was worse than when my mother died. It felt like there was a big hole in my heart.

"YOU PROMISED! YOU SAID YOU'D NEVER LEAVE ME!" I sobbed. "WAKE UP! PLEASE!" I just say there, sobbing into his chest. His heartbeat was gone, his breathing stopped, his skin turning paler by the second. I knew that, along with my best friend, my heart had died.

King Fiore walked up behind me, putting his hand I my shoulder. I pulled away.


"Dear child, it was for the better. The humans have won. The dragon's leader has fallen," King Fiore said it like it was a good thing.

"How can you think that?" I asked looking up at him, eyes red and swollen from crying. "The best friend of one of your subjects just good murdered in fount of millions if people. I know that many children will remember him as a hero. So I ask once more: How can you say that?"

King Fiore chuckled. "Many may think of that beast as a hero, other will think of him as none other than a inconvenience. He put a obstacle in the humans way and we plowed him down."

"He was your grandson," I said horrified.

"No, he wasn't. When Lillian married Igneel I disowned her," he said coldly. "Therefore, Dragneel was never my grandchild."

"Bastard," a voice said from behind us. I gasped as I saw who it was.

Standing behind King Fiore was a very angry looking Igneel. He was in his dragon form and had a dark aura radiating off of him. He looked from Natsu to King Fiore, and back to Natsu.

"You will pay for what you did to my son. FIRE DRAGONS BRILLIANT FLAME!" Igneel yelled as a white dragon pulled me and Natsu's body out of the way.

King Fiore couldn't move in time and when the flames disappeared only a shadow of him was there.

Igneel turned to everybody else. "Any objections?" He asked, a cold edge to his voice. No one spoke up.

Time skip. One month.

Ever since Igneel showed up everybody, humans and dragons alike, has gotten along. Actually, turns out Gajeel, Sting and Rogue are children of dragons that learned a magic that got rid of their dragon-like features. Gajeel and Levy finally got together when the races stopped fighting.

I still haven't gotten over Natsu's death. Happy was the same. When he found out about Natsu his name seemed sorta ironic. He wouldn't smile at all, he was in tears for weeks.

I still don't understand what Natsu meant about taking care of 'her'. I don't even know who 'she' is! It doesn't make any sense. I've been getting sick because I've been trying to figure it out! I puke all the time and I seem to have put on done weight. If I can't figure out what he means then I won't have anything to live for.

Actually, I've been thinking. I really don't have a reason to live anymore. Happy could live without me, so could everyone else. I mean, Natsu's dead. I don't have my best friend anymore. So, what do I have to live for?

My thoughts were interrupted by a child's voice.

"Um, Queen Heartfilia? I'm sorry, is this a bad time?" I looked up and saw Wendy Marvell and Carla standing at the door.

I smiled. "Not at all. You can just call me Lucy. I'm not fond of the formalities," I said while fiddling with my jade ring. The ring Natsu gave me. I started to tear up when I thought about that.

"I'm sorry! Don't cry please!" Wendy says running over to me. She tripped halfway to me.

Carla chastised Wendy. "Don't always apologize, and be careful, Child!"

"Sorry," Wendy mumbled. She then turned to me. "Why were you crying, Lucy?"

I sniffled. "Oh no reason. I was just thinking of Na..." I trailed off. I couldn't even say his name without breaking down.

"I'm sorry!" Wendy apologized again. "But Natsu is... was my cousin. I came here to take care of you. That's what he would've wanted." Wendy said.

"How do you know?" I grumbled.

"He talked about you all the time. When ever he wasn't with you he was with me because my mother, Grandeeney, had disappeared like Igneel. He wouldn't stop talking about you." Wendy smiled at the memory. "He did say he'd be fine since you were alive."

I blushed at this. My thoughts of dying seemed idiotic and stupid now. How could I be so selfish? I have to live for Natsu if nothing else.

"So," Wendy continued. "I'm here to make sure you're fine. Starting with a close inspection to make sure you don't have any injuries!" Wendy walked to me.

"I'm fine! Really I a-"

"Sh! Let me do this for Natsu!" Wendy cut me off.

I sighed. "Fine."

Wendy checked me from head to toe. When she got to my stomach she hesitated, "That's what he meant," she mumbled and continued. Once she was done she looked me straight in the eye.

"Do you remember?" She asked seriously.

"Remember what?" I replied confused.

"Doing... um... 'it'?" She blushed, slightly embarrassed.

I laughed. "I promise you I've never done 'it'."

"It doesn't seem that way."

"What are you-?" She grabbed my hand and put it to my stomach. She then used her magic and I could hear a... heartbeat? "The hell?"

"It's a girl!" Wendy squealed. "Do you want to know the father?"

"No," I said sarcastically. "I just want to carry the child of some guy I don't know." In ask honesty I was scared to find out who's she was. I couldn't remember 'it' and that scared me.

"Natsu!" Wendy squezzed my hand.

I had a reason to live.

???? P.O.V.

When I woke I could only think of one name.



Hello hatchlings! I made things better, right?

Who was ????? How did you like the plot twist of adding little Nashi? Please continue reading!

I love you all!


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