Picnic Part 2

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Dedicated to wisegirl2pointo (thanks for the suggestion!) (I haven't read Pjo in like three months, so bear with me.) Abuse mentioned!!
After 3 hours! 3! You and Leo were done cleaning the stables. Thank Hera!
You heard the camp horn/ Lunch bell sound.
"Amor!", Leo called. "It's time for lunch."
"Alright, I'll be there in a second!", you replied. You had to put away your cleaning supplies first.
As soon as you were done, Leo took your hand and you walked to the dining hall.
You walked in and stopped dead in your tracks.
"Oh Y/n! Darling, how have you been?", my ex-boyfriend Theodore called.
I glared at him, touching my necklace g/p gave me. "I'm not your darling Theodore. You lost that when you abused and abandoned me!", you say cold as ice. Leo fidgets by side you, trying to walk up to say something. You hold him in place.
"Don't be silly Y/n! You're overreacting!", he said walking closer to you.
"I. Am. Not. Overreacting. You abused me!", you say loud enough where Chiron can hear.
Leo struggles against you, but you kept him behind you.
"That's enough!", Chiron says.
A bright light shone and you close your eyes.
When they opened, you saw a huge trident over Theodore's head. You groaned.
"You will leave this instant! I will not stand for this. I have served the Gods for generations, however terrible Poseidon's wrath, is not worth this. Leave!", Chiron says coming over.
"Make me.", he says calm as a dove.
"I think Leo will", Chiron says.
You let go of Leo and step back. You watch Leo walk Theodore out the door. You hear grunts outside of the door and a shriek. Leo probably gave him a taste of his own medicine. In other words he probably burned him.
You head back to your cabin and wait for Leo.
After a few cuddles, you were ready to go out and start training.
You grab your weapon and started to duel with Leo.
After many tiring minutes, you finally win and the dinner horn called.

New chapter
Ily bye

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