Forbidden love (Ashfur)

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A special thanks to Dovesong_WC for helping/ inspiring me to get back into the fandom 🌻
And to HattiePeacock09 for helping me with the names for the kits 💕
Second/ First Person POV:

You gasped as your back hit the ground. Your new apprentice was stronger than you had assumed.

"Hollypaw!", you yowled. "That's enough for today! Go get something from the fresh-kill pile."

Hollypaw nodded her head and dashed off. You had a certain business to attend to.

You took a deep breath as your paws touched the rough ground of the Thunderpath.

You made a quick dash for it and made it onto Thunderclan's borders.

You tasted the air; waiting for him.

Finally your nose caught his scent. He was here!

You crouched down, wanting to pounce when the time was right.

"F/c (Favorite color) eye?", Ashfur called.

He walked right by you. You pounced; claws sheathed.

"Haha! Got you!", you mewed.

"Come on f/c eye I was a little distracted!", he whined. "You know we had a battle with Riverclan today. Those fish faces tried to claim Sunningrocks again!", he growled.

Your pelt bristled.

"Ashfur", you meowed. "It's Thunderclan territory my love, your clan will fight 'till it's last breath to keep it.", you purr.

"I know they will", he agreed.

So that's how you sat, sharing tongues under the moonlight.

At dawn, you knew you had to go back to Shadowclan lands.

"Goodbye darling, until the gathering", you mewed to a sleeping Ashfur.


"What!?!?!?!", you yowled.

"I said you're with kits", Runningnose said again.

"Oh no, oh no, oh on, oh no", you thought about everything possible that you could do.

'What am I going to do? I mean they're part Shadowclan and part Thunderclan. I have to find a 'mate' from Shadowclan. Ughhh what am I going to do? ' you thought.

"Oh, they must be Nightpelt's, he'll so excited!", Runningnose mewed.

"Yeah he will.", you agreed hurriedly.

"Nightpelt!", you yowled.

"Yes F/c eye?", he mewed sheepishly.

"I'm having kits and you're the father.", you mewed to your best friend.

"This is great!", he meowed.

"You're the deputy of the clan though, you'll have to take some time off; training and your duties.", he said, thinking of everything that would happen.


You leaped up to the rock where the leaders and deputies sat.

Since Blackstar was sick, you were in his place.

"Cats of the clans! Welcome to the gathering", you yowled. "Shadowclan is doing well. Our hunting is going good. And our kits are flourishing. Our borders are being secured better. There will be more kits this coming greenleaf. And I am pleased to announce that I am expecting kits with Nightpelt.", you purred.
You saw the hurt that clouded Ashfur's eyes. You wanted to run up to him and tell him I'm sorry. But instead I held my head high, like the future leader you were and listened as Firestar, Tallstar, and Leopardstar spoke.
As Firestar concluded the gathering, you leapt down and rushed by Ashfur mumbling, "Meet me where we always do"
You lead your clan back to camp. When you were sure every cat was asleep, you ran out of camp, past the Thunderpath, and to your meeting place.
"Ashfur?", you called.
"What?", he growled at you.
You sat, while he kept all his weight on his haunches.
"You're the father, not Nightpelt. I have to keep them safe though. I can't come here anymore. You can see them at the Gathering. But I can't risk it.", you whimpered.
He growled, "So be it."
*****timeskip to the birth******
"Here comes the last one!", Runningnose called.
You bit harder on the stick as the last kit came into the world.
Panting, you turned, and saw five little kits.
Only four were moving. You desperately licked at the little orange kit. Finally it began yowling.
"Get Nightpelt!", you panted.
"F/c eye! Ar- Wow they're beautiful. How many she-kits?", he asked.
"3", you replied.
You pointed to the little orange tom with your tail, "This one is Firekit, after Firestar." You pointed to the white she-kit, "Bubblekit." You pointed to the light gray she-kit and gasped, "Ashkit". You pointed to the black tom, "Nightkit". And finally, the dark gray she-kit, "Stormkit".

That night, Blackstar announced your kits names.
Nightpelt's eyes shone with pride.
You purred as the clan welcomed your kits.
"Again!", you heard Russetfur yowl at Stormpaw.
"Come on Nightpaw! We practiced this!", Tigerheart yowled.
"Firepaw! That's it! Go check the elders for ticks", Tawnyspots mewed.
"Bubblepaw, give Firepaw some mouse bile for ticks.", Littlecloud mewed. He had taken over since Runningnose passed.
"Ashpaw learn to control yourself! Warriors do not kill without reason.", Cloverfoot growled.
She's getting too reckless. She's too much like her  father. I can't send her there though. She's too old.
I don't know what to do.

I'm doing a part twooooo!Love y'all bye 💕🌻✨

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I'm doing a part twooooo!
Love y'all bye 💕🌻✨

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