Eps three: What if Luz take in a Apprentice?

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The next day at the Community House where those of the neutral and the goesha can settle things Luz enter one of the meeting room where the goetia's that she mean to meet and take a seat.

Screen one

Luz: So miss.

Head Goetia: Nora, Nora Shadow Talon but it's Nora for now.

Luz: Well Nora you have someone that I personally like to take in during her stay until I can find a way to get her back home.

Nora: yeah Raven I've been disowned by her dad and she's now a juvenile Criminal, unless you want the bounty on her.

Luz: That not funny!

Nora: Hey only a joke even if your school is rumored to shut down due to the decay of student attendees.

Luz: Hexside is the backbone of this community and no high up start prep school is going to take that away!

Nora: well there's word of teachers bribing students to stay longer with those that are to make friends with loners.

Luz: I heard no such thing.

Nora:Call it what you may but that what been going around lately.

Luz: probably something you goesha just made up in the trees.

Nora: believe what you want to believe.

Luz: well here's the paper for legal adoptions.

Then Luz show Nora the papers so she can see if they are all accounted for.

Nora:Hmm well the paperwork are in order may not like this.

Luz: well I'm not letting her stay with the likes of you.

Nora: well those like her thinks people like you only take her in for the checks.

Luz: me and Amity will take great care of her then what those like you do with yours.

Nora:So be it but if something goes wrong it will hurt the schools image like an eagle sinking it's Talent into its prey.

Luz: King's dad is not Prometheus!

Nora: you don't need to blow up like that but for now you have to wait in the hallway as I get her.

Screen two

During the flight on Luz's palsmen string bean she tries to have a connection with Raven and well.

Luz: so what do you like?

Raven didn't respond.

Luz: Raven I'm trying to connect with you so your new life here will be better!

And the flight turned into a windbag trying to blow down a wall and string bean gets annoyed by the whole thing and can't say anything about it until they finally made it to where Luz live nowadays look alot better then the one she use to live.

Luz: all right we're here welcome to your new home Raven.

Raven takes a moment to look at the place.

Raven: looks nice hope this no ridiculous surprise welcome party inside.

Luz: One moment.

Then Luz bolted to the door and peeked in see her friends about to see off surprise.

Luz: abort the surprised I'll stall for time.

Then Luz closed the door while trying not to act suspicious but Raven can see through it and string bean had a tear ran down his face.

Luz: it's going to take more than that to break me!

Then Luz went in and slammed the door.

Raven: first foster family and I already broke one.

String bean is unpleased with that comment as Ravens decides to go in and open the door.

Inside Luz's friends are still talking down the party stuff while Amity is comforting Luz.

Amity: Your appointed room is upstairs third door on your left.

Raven: thanks.

Then Raven take the stairs and enters the room she's going to be in during her stay, for now.

Screen three

The room is kinda vanilla with no additional addings that can appeal to Raven.

Raven: at least there's a bed.

Then Raven put her bag on the nearby table in with her left arm pulls out her phone charger Sketchbook and what seems to be a graphic novel of some kind then a knock came at the door.

Raven: Yeah?

Amity: I won't come in but am here to talk.

Raven: About?

Amity:Giving Luz a chance you really gave her a heart start when you took you in and even I know that party thing was ridiculous.

Raven: sorry but trying to open my heart once and lost an arm.

Amity: I know it to-

Raven: Their are those that will see them as freaks and only freaks.

Amity: Even so that still hunts.

Raven: Try telling that to Dawn!

Amity: well I do have my own Apprentice that have her share of hard times just struggling with making palisman.

Raven: And?

Amity take a deep breath before saying what she going to say next.

Amity: and as a frustrating life as yours and that's it for now.

They Amity returns downstairs while maintaining her dignity.

Raven: Nice talk.

As Amity got back to the living room Luz see that Raven is going to be one tough bird to crack.

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