Eps 12: What if one descent is another Ascension?

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Opening scene

As the alarm in Ravens servant house room goes off she feels a hardtensity inside the left side of her chest like a black box is growing inside her and if that's not bad enough she had to put on some eye covering with them being swirled in blood red as or even sees them in the mirror.

Raven: Hope it nothing to serious.

Then heads out with what looks like emergency call bracelet on her right wrist.

Scene one

As Raven got to Eagle Mage the building is adding two to three more floor due to the new student's they got from Hexside with them taking up most of the hallways which she and the rest are struggling to get to class, resulting in lot of Hexside kids getting pushed and shoved into the most unpleasant of places.

Fortunately Raven got to her rune tech class before the Bell Ray with sapphire and Elan who are working on their own thing,Elan is customizing her flight staff while Sapphire is doing and then both wonder what Raven is making.

Sapphire: are those at Taylor really came from the book you read.

Raven: Honestly no on the whip thing, it kinda been in my drawing for some time and I start to feel like it's meant to be part of me, for some reason.

Elan: could be from your right arm with it looking like a Goetia's.

Sapphire: Well upon personal research persona limbs can have some unusual mutations.

Raven: Like my little eye swirl and what's building up on the left side of my chest.

Elan: well it deep in building up hope it's nothing fatal.

Sapphire: you may become those th-

Then Raven and the others started to notice that some of the windows from the classroom is being pouted by someone from an egg from the outside, it turns out to be some ex Hexside students that's gone AWOL and ran off.

Raven: What wrong with them.

Elan: well the Scandal did ruin their school and what else do they have to lose after that?

Sapphire: and word on the street that the golden Covenant are looking towards recruiting those that lost their jobs over there.

Raven: and they are blaming me over some things that would lead to the downfall either way.

Well that the kind of thing where those on your side of the track would do to anyone that got a better hand.

Then Raven and her friends turn to where the voice came from, it was Lyz who is not happy with the line of work Eagle Mage put her in.

Elan: Well the Metal Talon witch been leaving quite the mess for taking out the coven gang.

Luz: And ruined Hexside for everyone!

Elan: Hey their means of keeping their students will let that downfall one way or another.

Luz: What Choice do we have?

Then Luz went back to work.

Scene two

Then in over a week 62% of the Hexside dropped out of Eagle Mage and take up most of the northeast of bone borrow and taking whatever lowlife job they can find others join the golden coven gang for whatever that leader want them to do that could spite the Goetia's, like oh say still from them when you're not looking.

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