Chapter 10: Aslan's War Camp

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When we emerged from the trees, a large sprawling camp was set before us.

Tents of red, yellow and green glowed in the late afternoon sun.

"It's amazing," I whispered. I'd never see anything like this in Cambridge.

Lucy jumped next to me as a horn sounded from up on a cliff.

"What's that for?" I asked.

"They're announcing the arrival of the King and Queens!" Mrs. Beaver said excitedly.

I looked up and saw the odd sight of a man horse creature blowing the horn.

As we walking further into the camp, all sorts of creatures and animals were working and going about their business. But they all stopped to watch us as we followed the beavers.

"Why are they all staring at us?" Susan asked quietly.

"Maybe they think you look funny," Lucy giggled.

I cracked a smile and looked up at Peter. He seemed so stoic and serious. I knew he had the responsibility of keeping us all safe.

"I never said it, but, you did a good job back at the river," I stated.

Peter looked at me, he was about to speak, but then the beavers stopped.

We were in front of a small hill with a red and yellow striped tent sitting apon it. One of those strange horse men stood near the tent. He looked at us expectantly.

Peter drew his sword and held it high for the creature to see.

"We have come to see Aslan," he said. He sounded nervous. I stood close to his left side, hoping he would be less so with me by him.

The creature looked at the tent. I heard movement behind me and turned to see the crowd behind us bending down and bowing.

I turned back to the tent. This Aslan, must be inside.

The curtain doorway flapped and a golden clawed...paw, stepped out. Followed by the most beautiful creature to ever exist.

"It's you," I whispered in shock.

The lion who saved me. It was Aslan.

Aslan looked at each of us in turn, and when his eyes came to rest on me I felt a wonderful sence of peace and joy. A smile spread across my face without my knowing.

As one, the four of us bowed on our knees to King Aslan.

"Welcome Peter, Son of Adam. And Welcome Susan, Alice and Lucy, Daughters of Eve." Alice was in awe of the deep regal voice that spoke. It had such a commanding authority, she knew anyone who heard it would turn quiet and listen.

"And Welcome to you, beavers. You have my thanks. But where is the fifth?" The great lion asked.

I looked at Peter with worry as we stood up.

"That's why we're here sir," Peter confessed.

"We need your help," I elaborated. Susan nodded. "We had a little trouble along the way," she stated.

"Our brother has been captured by the white witch," Peter admitted.

The crowd gasped.

"Captured? How could this happen?" Aslan asked.

I bit my lip.

"He...betrayed them, your majesty," Beaver explained.

I lowered my head in sorrow. It didn't feel right calling Edmund a traitor.

The crowd behind us murmured among themselves. "Then he has betrayed us all!" The horse man stated.

"Peace, Oreius. I'm sure there's an explanation," Aslan insisted.

A moment of silence stretched out as we thought of what to say.

"It's my fault really," Peter confessed. "I was too hard on him."

I turned my head to Peter, guilt aching in my chest. I brought my hand up and held onto my amulet.

Susan put a hand on her brother's shoulder. "We all were," she stated.

I nodded in agreement.

"Sir, he's our brother," Lucy said sadly.

"I know, dear one," Aslan consoled her. "But that only makes the betrayal all the worse. This may be harder than you think," he warned.


Lucy and Susan were escorted to a tent a long way away from my own. Mine was next to Peter's. I didn't mind, knowing I'd be lonely if I were Peter.

I was given a change of clothes and now wore a deep orange dress with a leather belt and boots. I had carefully set my amulet aside while changing, and now I grabbed it and looped it back over my head.

"May I enter?" A deep voice asked.

"Of course, come in Orieus," I invited.

The centar pulled the curtain away and peered inside. "Are you ready to try them?" He asked.

I picked the red boots up from from my bed. "You promised you'd teach me. Of course I'm ready," I agreed.

We walked a little distance from the camp onto a stretch of green open grass.

"These boots will increase your speed ten fold. They are to be used with the highest level of caution and not as a play thing," he warned.

I set the boots on the ground. "I understand."

"You may put them on."

I unlaced my own brown boots and pulled on the red ones.

"You can walk normally in them, but when you walk or run is when they go fast, and it takes practice to slow down at the right time," he said.

"Ok," I replied. I stood up.

I looked off into the distance and saw Peter and Aslan up on a hill.

I pointed them out to Orieus. "I'll run up there," I suggested.

"Just don't run into the-"

I took off with a yell of surprise. The wind blew in face and gave me a rush of adrenaline. It felt like my feet weren't even touching the ground.

I yelped as I realized I was going too fast, i raced up the hill, I was going to crash into Peter!

I willed my legs to stop and dug my heels into he ground.

I closed my eyes in fear, I skidded to a complete stop.

"Goodness! Alice are you alright?"

I opened my eyes to see I'd stopped about two feet in front of Peter.

I blinked in awe. I ran so fast!

"I'm great! Did you see me? I was down there a moment ago with Orieus!" I asked excitedly. I pointed to the now small figure of my centar friend in the grass field.

"Those boots are amazing! You must keep practicing though, you almost hit me," he stated.

A giddy laugh escaped me. "Yeah, that was an accident," I promised.

I jumped at the sound of a horn in the air.

"What's that?" I asked. The noise had a sence of urgency to it.

"Susan!" Peter exclaimed.

The War of Kings Queens and a WitchWhere stories live. Discover now