Chapter 13: Aslan's Wisdom

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A gentle breeze blew the flap of my tent. I lie awake in bed, pondering over the days trial.

Edmund is safe. The Witch left.

I traced a finger over my amulet. It's soft amber glow, a sufficient night light.

I didn't try to imagine what my life would look like if I didn't have this gift from Santa. But I knew I'd be a statue of ice by now.

I shivered just thinking about it. My eyes were about to close. But a familiar looking shadow walked past my tent.

I sat up and pulled the covers off. My feet lead me to the exit of the tent, and I pushed the curtain aside to see the Lion Aslan walking away from my tent.

"Aslan," I called. I didn't raise my voice to loudly, I didn't want to wake anyone.

The Lion paused and turned his head. His golden mane glowing in the moonlight.

"My child, why aren't you asleep?" He asked.

I walked up to him and stroked his mane. "My curse. I couldn't stop myself from thinking about it. It frightens me so much," I admitted.

The Lion purred softly. "Keep the amulet close. And all will be set right," he promised.

I looked down. "But what if I loose it?" I asked.

The Lion laughed. "I'm sure you will. But their will always be someone to help you find it."

My heart lifted at those words.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

The Lion looked toward the woods at the edge of camp. "I'm afraid I can't tell you," he said seriously.

I sighed. "Well, if you can't tell me that, can you tell me why I'm here?"

The Lion tilted his head curiously. "What do you mean?" He inquired.

I took my hand from hid mane and clutched my amulet. "Why am I in Narnia? I'm not even part of the prophecy. I have no purpose here," I stated sadly. My anguished heart longed to be needed.

"Everyone has a purpose. You just need to work harder to find it than the Pevensies."

I stared at the Lion in disappointment.

"Do not fear your future, young Alice. For it is a wonderful one. Now, off to bed with you," he ordered kindly.

"Goodnight, Aslan."

"Goodbye, Alice."

I walked back to my tent and watched him continue on his walk.

Why did it sound like he was saying goodbye...for good?


I found out after a while of trying, I couldn't seem to sleep.

I left my tent and went to Susan and Lucy's.

But they weren't inside. My heart drummed in my chest. Where had they gone? Had the Witch taken them?

I ran through the camp and stumbled into Peter and Edmund's tent.

I gasped as a wind blew through the tent and pink petals floated around the room.

Peter awoke with a start and pulled his sword out. He pointed it at me.

Edmund woke as well and noticed the strange flowers had begun to form a person.

"Be still my prince's and princess," the Nyad warned. "I bring grave news from your sisters," she said.

My eyes widened in horror. Aslan was dead, and the White Witch was preparing hee troops to march on the battlefield tomorrow morn.

The petals blew back through the door and left the three children alone.

"What do we do?" I panicked. "Aslan is dead," I cried.

Edmund climbed out of his hammock and gave me a quick hug. "Peter, we must tell Orieus!" he said urgently.


The camp was waking, and preparing for war. I'd just finished lacing up my red boots when a satyr came in with a few pieces of armor and a small sword.

He helped me put on the arm braces, shoulder armor, and breastplate, he gave me a new belt with a sheith for my new sword attached to it.

"I've never used a sword," I whispered worridly to him.

"I doubt you'll have to use it today, your Highness," he figured.

I stared at him in surprise. He just called me Highness. Was I to be royalty like the Pevensies?

Once I was all set, I was lead to a tent where Peter, Edmund, and Orieus were going over the plan.

They stopped talking as I came inside.

Peter stared at me with an open mouth.

I looked down at my outfit. "Is it...too much?" I asked.


I startled as Peter and Edmund spoke forcefully at the same time.

They looked at each other and then back at me. Edmund rolled his eyes and left the tent.

I blinked in confusion. Why did Edmund leave?

"It's fine," Peter assured me. "He's fine."

I looked back at Peter and nodded. He put a hand on my shoulder. "Orieus, let's get saddled up," Peter ordered.

Orieus dipped his head in agreement.

"I'll see you off," I offered.

"Alright, but then get back to your post on the hill with archers," Peter warned.

I nodded firmly and followed Peter out of the tent.


Peter pulled on his unicorn's reigns and we came to a stop at the front lines of the army.

He dismounted and held a hand out for me.

"Don't drop me, your highness," I teased. Peter scoffed, I took his hand and gracefully jumped down from the horse.

I looked across the distance of the battlefield. Fear bubbled up in my chest and I knew this would be a day that I'd never forget. If I lived through it that is.

"Will you be ok?" I asked.

Peter sighed. "Don't worry, I'm sure everything will go smoothly," he promised.

I blew out a nervous breath of air and looked back at the hill where the archers were setting up.

"If I don't make it out...alive, make sure you take the others back home for me," he said sullenly.

Tears threatened to cloud my vision. "Don't talk like that. But...I will, Peter," i promised.

Peter smiled. "Good. Now, you need to go," he stated.

"Right now? I can make it up to that hill in five seconds. I can stay a bit longer," I reasoned.

Peter laughed took off his helmet. "I can't believe we're here. Doing this of all things," he said.

I punched his shoulder.

"I'm going to look like a bruised peach-"

"Cheer up Peter! Well make it, ok?" I ordered.

Peter came forward and wrapped me in a hug. "Thanks. Be safe," he ordered.

And with that, I took off. My boots speeding me along passes the troops and up onto the hill with the archers.

I stopped and looked down at where I had been. I spotted Peter. I grinned and waved at him. He waved back.

The plan was set, the Army was ready. All that was left to do, was wait.

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