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A tall figure slowly approaches the notorious princess of the fire nation causing Azula to narrow her eyes to the newcomer with a sly smile.

“So, who might you be? Or do I need to extract that information myself?”

The tall figure is silent and their eyes are fixated on her.

Azula raises an eyebrow and smirks confidently.

“Silent treatment, hmm? It won't work on me. Out with it – I insist on knowing your name at once.”


Azula folds her arms, looking amused.

"Well ‘Yuo’ to you too. Is that a greeting, or is it perhaps your name? Clever, but I'm not so easily fooled. Now, your real name?”


Azula rolls her eyes, a mix of annoyance and challenge flickering in her gaze.

“Very well, ‘Yuo’ if that's the game we're playing, I'll bite. What brings you here?”

She asks before seeing the tall intruder taking a fighting stance.

Azula raises one eyebrow, a smirk playing on her lips.

“Ah, an opponent. Are you sure you want to challenge me? I have been known to be quite... formidable.”

The Yuo person rolls his shoulders, his chiseled muscles flexing and bones audibly cracking.

Azula stands firmly, a glint of excitement in her eyes.

“Impressive display. But do remember, I am a master of firebending and tactics. Shall we see who is truly superior?”

Yuo nods silently.

Azula smirks confidently, taking a step back to anticipate the first move; then the silent duel begins.

“Remember, I don't go easy on anyone…”

“I am simply here to best you upon the fire lord's wishes.”

The fire nation princess is caught narrowing her eyes, not the slightest bit intimidated.

“The Fire Lord? My father wouldn't send just anyone. What is your true name then and standing? And why should I even believe you?”

The opponent straightens his posture. His ice blue eyes boring into hers as his snow white hair frames his rather handsome face.

“Prince Yuo Yilos.”

Azula leans forward slightly, scrutinizing him and his gran introduction.

“Prince Yuo Yilos? Your name and demeanor claim royalty, yet you are unknown to me."

She smiles coldly.

“Let's hope your skills are as notable as your name, prince.”

Yuo formally nodded to her, taking a battle stance again.

"Try not to lose... you won't like your father's decree if you do...

Azula snorts dismissively, a wicked grin spreading across her lips.

“Me? Lose? To an unknown prince? The very idea is ludicrous. As for my father's decree, let's worry about that after I've won, shall we?”

She also assumes a fighting stance again.

Yuo darted past Azula with flawless speed, a burst of wind leaving his palm and slamming her into the ground.

Azula quickly rolls to the side, narrowly dodging the follow up attack, fire igniting in her hands.

“Speed is nothing without precision!”

Her eyes flare with a fierce challenge.

“My turn.”

A ghost of a smile crossed the tall male's soft lips as Azula arched an eyebrow, unimpressed by the smile.

“A mere buffoons smile won't save you. Let's see if your defenses are as enigmatic as your expressions, Prince.

She launches a flurry of blue flames.

Yuo opens his mouth, breathing in her flames from the source and absorbing them. It makes his body glow unnaturally. It's clear that he is definitely not human…

Azula flashes a momentary look of surprise, then smirks.

“Absorption? Interesting. That only makes defeating you more intriguing.”

She steadies her stance, eyes narrowing darkly.

“Show me your true form, then.”

Yuo’s body begins to glow, unnatural runes littering his body from head to toe almost as if from the spirit world.

Azula watches intently, a calculating scowl crossing her lips.

“Runes fueled from the Spirit World? You certainly are full of surprises. Let's see how they fare against a true firebending prodigy.”

She prepares a stronger attack but he sidesteps and dodges all of her attacks and ends up defeating her with only a single scratch across his cheek.

Azula stood up, wiping a trickle of blood from her own mouth, her pride wounded but her resolve unshaken.

“You've barely earned a scratch, nothing more. This isn't over.”

Her eyes blaze with determination.

“It is over.”

Her father interrupts coldly. Azula turns sharply at the sound of her father's voice, a mix of anger and defiance in her stance.


Her voice is cold, controlled.

“Your presence here changes nothing – I will not yield to this thing… this… this oddity to our world!”

The firelord glares at her harshly.

“Yield and save face Azula.”

Gritting her teeth, the defiance in Azula's gaze softens into a shrewd calculation.

“Yielding is not in my nature, father. But... I shall consider your... strategic advice.”

She bows stiffly to the firelord.

“You have been defeated, and yielding is not to be taken as mere advice, it is my order. Now, as agreed you will now marry Prince Yuo.”

Her eyes widened in shock and fury, her voice suddenly laced with venom.

“Marry? That was never the terms of our fight! I will not be bartered like some pawn, father!”

Her fists clench, flames flickering as Yuo folds his arms across his broad chest, standing wearily at the side.

Azula glances at Yuo, her expression hardening.

“You stand there silent, a mere spectator now? If you're to be my…”

Azula practically spits out the word.

“...my betrothed, then speak up. Have you now no words of your own?”

“The firelord approached me with this proposal himself. If I had been beaten, we would not be in this predicament. The fault itself in this outcome lies only with you Princess Azula… so called firebending prodigy...”

Azula's eyes flash with anger and betrayal.

“So it was a trap. Very well, Prince Yuo. We may be in a predicament, but make no mistake— I am no one's prize. We will see about this 'proposal' actually going through-”

"Azula. You will marry Prince Yuo, and that is final."

Her father said coldly. Azula faces her father, fury thinly veiled behind a mask of icy composure.

"As you wish, father."

She says through clenched teeth.

"But be warned, I am still my own person. This changes nothing."

Her eyes promise a hellish rebellion for Prince Yuo…

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