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~1 Month Later~

Azula enters, her silhouette unchanged, dismissing any rumors of her own speculated injuries with her mere presence.

“Yuo, it's been a month since the incident. Your strength should have returned. Are you ready to resume your duties?”

She inquires formally, eyes scrutinizing as the prince nods. Giving a curt nod in return, Azula’s voice is all business.

“Good. As expected of someone of your... caliber. We have much to do. The Fire Nation does not rest, and neither do we.”

She turns to leave the room, expecting him to follow. As the prince follows silently, he takes notice of the tight increase of fire nation guards everywhere. Azula leads with purpose, her voice commanding as she briefs on their objectives.

“We have meetings with the generals, and plans to discuss enhancing our defenses further. Stay vigilant, Yuo. We must present unity.”

She doesn't look back.

“I see that your husband lives.”

One of the generals said bitterly

Azula’s eyes flash dangerously.

“My personal affairs are irrelevant to national security, General. And I would caution you on your tone.”

Her voice is ice, her threat implicit.

“We're here to discuss strategy. Focus–”.

Prince Yuo steps in front of his wife, grabbing the man by the throat and lifting him two feet off of the ground.

Azula watches, a flicker of approval in her eyes at her spouse's display of loyalty and strength.

“Put him down, Yuo. The General will remember his place without the need for... theatrics…”

Her voice is controlled, but she does not intervene immediately.

“I do not appreciate my business being pried into.”

Yuo mentioned coldly.

Azula’s lips curve into a smirk as he asserts himself, maintaining the decorum despite the satisfaction she feels from his action.

“Indeed. We have more pressing matters to attend to than indulging in gossip.”

She nods to the general.

“Release him Yuo.”

The prince drops him unceremoniously and turns away. The general crumples to the floor, gasping for air. Azula's smirk vanishes, replaced by a look of command.

“That’s enough. We will continue with the meeting. Disrespect will not be tolerated again. Understood?”

Her gaze sweeps over the assembled military with an air of authority.

Prince Yuo follows his wife for the rest of the day, easily getting agitated.

Azula glances over at his tense form, her voice dropping to a cautionary whisper.

“Control your emotions, Yuo. Agitation could be perceived as weakness.”

Her gaze is sharp.

“We can't afford such lapses.”

She turns back to her duties.

“Well I can't help it if my wife keeps playing touch and go with me.”

Azula stops, her expression unreadable as she turns to face him.

“This is neither the time nor the place for such personal matters. Control yourself, or leave.”

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