Watch your own back.

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The American Life is outclassed by "The American Dream". To possess a good American life one must dream about one. That is my thought as to why it's not called "The American Life."

Depending on the career path, it can take multiple jobs just to stay afloat. Savings are a wild dream while vacationing is nonexistent. Fast food is a luxury many cannot afford:

A single job here can pay a few bills to have a roof over my head.
A second job is required to pay the utilities and vehicle bills, not including maintenance.
A third job is a necessity if I want to buy food, and refreshment packets to make the water taste different and keep the service on my phone to communicate with others.

Politics are a dictatorial joke. Politicians are bought. News Media are autocratically controlled. Whistleblowers are bought or murdered, as well as their families. 'Celebrities' and different types of multimedia are in place to confuse and distract the masses.

Don't even get me started with the processed foods.

People are but numbers on a piece of paper. They slaughter and feast on one another while forgetting to consume the soul itself; forcing it to wander with no destination in mind. They are trapped in eternal torment.

Myself and/or my family's death(s) were not suicides and not accidental. We have happy lives with what we possess.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2024 ⏰

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