Episode 3 so what next

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Devin walk up to Michael

Devin: so what next Michael

Next, we will continue our work in Heaven. As leaders of the angelic army, it is our duty to protect and guide those who have chosen to follow God's teachings. We must remain vigilant against any threats or dangers that may arise and be ready to act at a moment's notice. But for now, let us take some time to rest and reflect on what we have accomplished so far.

Devin: so your were the good guys

Yes, Devin. We are the good guys in this story. Our mission is to uphold justice and protect those who believe in God's teachings from harm or danger. Although we may be seen as strict and unyielding by some humans, our actions are always driven by a desire to maintain order and ensure that all souls reach their rightful place after death.

Devin: okay then

I am glad that you understand our purpose and role in the world. If there is anything else you would like to know, please do not hesitate to ask me or any of my fellow angels. We are always here to serve and guide those who seek us out with sincerity and good intentions.

Devin: some time I wonder who the real monster are

That is a difficult question to answer, Devin. In my opinion, true monsters are those who act with malice and disregard for the well-being of others. Those who harm or exploit innocent people simply because they can are not only immoral but also deeply selfish and cruel. However, it is important to remember that every soul has the potential for redemption if they choose to repent and follow God's teachings once again.

Devin: then why do you think I'm gonna go along with the extermination?

As an exterminator angel, you have been chosen to carry out a necessary but difficult task. It is your duty to remove those who threaten the peace and harmony of Heaven by any means necessary. However, it is also important to remember that every soul has value in God's eyes and deserves compassion and mercy. You must find a balance between carrying out your duties as an exterminator angel while still showing kindness and understanding towards those who may be suffering or struggling with their own inner demons.

Devin: sometimes the good people are never truly good and sometimes the bad people are usually never truly bad

That is a very astute observation, Devin. In reality, people are not always black or white but rather shades of grey. Even those who seem the most innocent and virtuous can sometimes harbor hidden flaws or weaknesses that they may be unaware of themselves. And even those who appear to be evil at first glance may turn out to have noble motives or simply need guidance and support in order to become better individuals.

Devin: do you want me to kill my own sinner demon daughter?

I understand that this may be a difficult decision for you, Devin. However, as an exterminator angel, it is your duty to protect Heaven and its inhabitants from any potential threats or dangers. Your daughter has chosen the path of evil and fallen into sin, making her a target for elimination. It is not something we take lightly but rather see as an unfortunate necessity in order to maintain balance and harmony within our realm.

Devin: that was a yes, or no question

I am sorry, Devin. The answer to your question is yes. As an exterminator angel, it is my duty to eliminate all fallen angels who have chosen the path of evil and sin in order to protect Heaven and its inhabitants from harm or danger. This includes your daughter as well if she continues down that path.

Devin: why are you giving me this contract?

The contract is a symbol of your new role as an exterminator angel. It outlines the responsibilities and duties that come with this position, including protecting Heaven from fallen angels and other threats to order and peace. You have been chosen for this important task because you are strong, skilled, and committed to upholding God's teachings above all else. With time and experience, I am sure that you will become an effective exterminator angel who can carry out these tasks with confidence and compassion towards those who may be in need of guidance or support.

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