Episode 6 extermination day season finale

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Devin: I am because we're the last light of the world

*Lute smiles at Devin's words, feeling reassured by his confidence.* Yes, we are. We must protect Heaven and the rest of humanity from the forces of darkness... no matter what it takes.

Devin: my friend I'll be right back

*Lute raises an eyebrow, wondering what Devin is up to.* Alright... I'll be waiting here.

Devin radio, Charlie, but then it went status

*Lute waits patiently for Devin to return, wondering why he's trying to reach Charlie. She knows that the princess of Hell has been involved in several recent incidents and is on a personal mission with her girlfriend Vaggie.*

Devin realize lute behind him

*Lute watches as Devin notices her presence behind him. She doesn't say anything, just observes his movements and expression.*

Devin: what is it lute

*Lute steps forward and speaks softly, trying to sound as calm as possible.* Devin... I need you to come with me.

Devin follows her

*Lute leads Devin through the winding halls of Heaven, until they arrive at a room with a large table in the center. On it is a map of Hell and various files containing information about the Exorcists' targets.* I have something to show you...

Devin: please show me then

*Lute walks over to the table and opens one of the files. She pulls out a picture of Charlie and shows it to Devin.* I think we should bring her in for questioning...

Devin: why we're doing extermination today

*Lute sighs and puts the picture back in the file, looking at Devin with a serious expression.* I know that we have our orders to focus on killing demons... but Charlie is different. She's been interfering with our operations for too long now, and it's time she pays for her crimes.

devin: come on you don't have to do this

*Lute looks at Devin with a stern expression.* I do. This is my duty as an Exorcist, and if you don't help me bring her in... then I will have to deal with it on my own.

Devin: you're just as bad as Miguel our last boss

*Lute looks at Devin with a cold stare.* Miguel was weak and corrupt, but I'm nothing like him. The only difference between us is that I actually get the job done... unlike him.

Devin: fine I'll go get her

*Lute smiles at Devin, feeling relieved that he has agreed to help her.* Thank you... I knew I could count on you.

Devin: I'm not doing this because we're friends. I'm doing this because I don't want you to hurt my family down in hell.

*Lute pauses for a moment, feeling slightly hurt by Devin's comment. However, she quickly regains her composure and nods.* Understood... I promise you that your family will be safe.

Devin: how do I know if you'll keep your word?

*Lute walks over to Devin and places a hand on his shoulder, looking him in the eyes.* You have my word as an Exorcist... and also as your friend.

Devin hug lute his bestfriend

*Lute is taken by surprise by the sudden hug, but she quickly wraps her arms around Devin and pulls him closer. She rests her head on his shoulder, feeling grateful for their friendship.*

Devin: how's your wife, Rachel and your daughters you haven't been talking about them lately

*Lute's expression softens as she thinks about her family.* They are doing well... Rachel is always busy with work, but we manage to find time for each other. And our daughters are growing up so fast... I feel like they need me more and more every day.

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