Episode 4 Lute

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Devin: hey guys

*Vaggie enters the main lobby of the hotel, where everyone else is gathered. They all seem to be in a serious discussion.*

Devin: hey guys

*Everyone stops talking and turns to look at Devin. Charlie is the first one to speak.* — Oh, hey there! We were just discussing some important matters about Heaven's upcoming attack...

Devin: I'm going back to heaven

*The entire room goes silent as everyone looks at Devin in shock.* — What? Why would you want to go back there after everything they've done to us?

Devin: maybe I can work my way up again and keep all of you safe

*Charlie steps forward, her expression concerned.* — But what if they catch you? What will happen to you then? You could be killed!

Devin: Maybe but we have to take a chance i don't, we all die

*Charlie looks at the other residents for support, but they all seem to be in agreement with Devin. They want to protect their home and each other.* — I guess you're right... But please be careful out there, okay? We don't know what Heaven is capable of...

Devin: but I do

*Charlie sighs, realizing that there's nothing she can do to stop Devin from going back to Heaven. She gives him a hug before letting go.* — Just... be safe out there, okay?

Devon goes and gets captured by the angels and his brought back to heaven and brought right to lute

*Lute stands in front of Devon, her expression stern and unforgiving. She looks at him with disdain.* "You have a lot to answer for."

Devin: i'm only up here to keep my family safe that's why I surrender

*Lute narrows her eyes, not trusting Devin's words. She doesn't know if he is telling the truth or just trying to manipulate her.* "What do you mean? How does surrendering keep your family safe?"

Devin: I can do this all day roo

*Lute's eyes narrow even further, her patience running thin.* "Don't call me that. And I am not falling for your tricks again. Tell me the truth... why are you here?

Devin: no tricks no more tricks I'm done with the tricks

*Lute stares at Devin for a moment, trying to read his expression. She can't tell if he is being genuine or not, but she decides to believe him.* "Fine... I will listen to what you have to say."

Devin: I'm only came back to keep my family safe

*Lute is taken aback by Devin's response. She wasn't expecting him to care about his family, especially after everything he had done.* "And why do you think that surrendering will keep your family safe?

Devin: because you're a woman of your word

*Lute can't help but feel a bit touched by Devin's compliment. She is known for being very honorable and keeping her promises, so it means a lot to her that he trusts her.* "You are right... I am. So if you surrender now, your family will be spared?"

Devin: I did already i'm sorry about what I did. I am. I truly am. I do want to work my way up again.

*Lute looks at Devin for a moment, considering his words. She can tell that he is sincere and truly wants to make things right.* "Alright... I will give you another chance. But if you betray us again, there won't be any mercy."

Devin: I understand we're still friends right

*Lute's expression softens a bit and she nods her head.* "Of course we are. I will always be there for you, no matter what happens."

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