Chapter One

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I own zilch. Nothin. Nada. Nope. I am not Alex Hirsch or Butch Hartman.
Teleporting had been an accident. One minute Danny was screaming, begging, crying, and the next he was free from the cuffs that sealed him to the cold, metal table. Then Danny focused as hard as he could on escaping, thrashing and screaming until a powerful wail ripped from his throat. Then Danny concentrated as hard as he could, before he suddenly found himself in the middle of the woods.

The problem was that he didn't know where he was. Danny had never been particularly good at geography, and there were no landmarks nearby to help him. There was also the small matter of the copious amounts of blood spilling from his chest and abdomen, as well as the burning, stabbing pain that erupted from it.

Danny stumbled, clasping a hand to one of the wounds in an attempt to halt the bleeding. The earth and trees swayed around him for a moment, and then everything became lost in a sea of pain and darkness.

Danny crouched on the edge of a building, watching the stars. He reached up a hand and traced the familiar constellations, murmuring their names under his breath. A warm breeze wrapped around him, messing up his already spiky hair.

Suddenly, a piercing scream rang through the silence. Danny's head whipped around, and he floated up from his seat. Turning invisible and intangible, he slipped through the wall and looked around until he found the source. A woman was pushed up against the wall of an alley, clutching her shoulder with one hand. A man with blond hair was pinning her in place, a gleaming knife in his hand.

Danny swooped forwards, dropping his invisibility. He pushed the man away whisper for the woman to run as he did so. He swung around to face the man-and was stabbed in the ribs. Letting put a cry of surprise and pain, he fired an ectoblast at his opponent. The man artfully dodged, and Danny felt a sharp sting in the side of his neck.

Sinking to the ground, Danny looked up to see the woman advancing towards him, a dart gun in her hand. There was no sign of a wound on her shoulder. She smirked.

"Oh, Phantom," she sighed. "You are more predictable than you think."
Speaking into the radio in her hand, the unkown woman said, "This is Agent W to headquarters. We have secured the ghost menace."

Then a fuzzy darkness overtook him and Danny knew no more.

Danny sat bolt upright, vaguely aware that he was in an unfamiliar place. Pain lanced through his abdomen, and he let out a yelp. Someone set their hands on his shoulders and eased him back down.

"You really shouldn't do that, man," a strange female voice said. "You might pull your stitches out."

Blinking against the light, Danny realized that he was in a bed. It was pretty comfortable, because even though the mattress beneath him was rather stiff, it was better than being in a lab. Several blankets were wrapped around him, and there was a pillow beneath his head.

The room was small, and there was another bed across from the one that he was in. It had papers strewn around it, and a there was a large corkboard face down at the foot. A large window that had an odd design that looked like the eye of providence was in between the beds, above a nightstand-type thing.

Danny also got a good look at the person who had spoken.
She had long, bright red hair that didn't even remotely pretend to be orange like-no don't think about that.

There were some freckles across her nose, but not very many. Her green eyes were sharp and intelligent, but they looked worried. The girl couldn't have been more than two years older than him, probably less.

Danny analyzed all of that in a second, before he registered that oh god there's a person here oh no are they going to hurt me?
Danny shrank back into the covers with a squeak of fear, bright blue eyes wide with terror. His thin frame shook slightly.

"It's okay," the girl said softly. "We aren't going to hurt you. I just didn't want you to ruin any of my hard work."

She sounded like she was telling the truth, but Danny didn't know for sure. What if she decided to hurt him? What if she called the agents? Or his parents? Danny let out a small whimper.
The girl backed up a little bit, raising her hands slightly until he flinched sharply. She frowned. "Can you tell me your name?"

Oh no, now she was asking a question and Danny didn't want to say anything but he also didn't want to get in trouble for not saying anything when she clearly wanted to because what if she hit him and-
Danny's gaze snapped up to meet the stranger's.


She grinned. "It's nice to meet you, Danny." When he winced at the volume she lowered her voice. "My name is Wendy, in case you were wondering."

She-Wendy-paused for a moment, before she reached over to the table-thing that Danny had noticed earlier and grabbed a glass of water. She held it out to him. "Here."

Danny eyed it warily for a minute, wondering if it was some kind of trick. When nothing happened, he reached towards it hesitantly. Wendy made no moves to attack him, so Danny drank the entire glass. He couldn't remember the last time that he had a drink of water without it being full of some sort of chemical or poison. It was kind of... nice.

Wendy took the empty cup back once he was done, wincing slightly at the way he leaned away from her outstretched hand. She cleared her throat slightly.
"Well...I'm gonna go. The others will want to know that your awake."

Danny stiffened. "O-Others?"

Wendy nodded. "Yeah, others. Don't worry, there aren't very many of them. The twins are the ones who found you."


"Yeah. Dipper and Mabel Pines. They're the reason that you didn't bleed to death, you know."

Danny flinched. Had they found him before or after he changed back? Did they notice anything off about his blood? Would they think that he was a freak? What if they tried to hurt him?

The sound of a door closing snapped him from his thoughts. Wendy was gone, and he could hear her footsteps creaking down the hall. Danny wrapped his arms around his chest. It had been bandaged, and Wendy had said that she had stitched it. Some of the other cuts and abrasions looked as if they had been cleaned as well, which always accelerated his already fast healing.

Danny shivered. It wasn't very cold, but his body always acted funny in the heat. The agents had discovered that pretty quickly, as well as his aversion to electricity-but he shouldn't think about that, not when he was momentarily safe.

The door opened rather noisily, and several heads poked through the door. Danny tensed as a group of people entered the room. Wendy was at the front, next to two short kids that he guessed were Dipper and Mabel, if their looked were anything to go by.

Wendy nodded. "So, care for some introductions?"

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