Author's Note!

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Okay, yes, it's an Author's Note. I honestly hate these, and I promised myself that I would never use them.

BUT. I am not entirely satisfied with how my story ended. I won't re-write the ending, but I will expand it.

Basically, what I'm trying to say is... I'm doing a sequel.

It will be a series of connected one-shots, but not in any particular order. It will be a total AU.

TOTAL AU. None of the episodes after Stanchurian Candidate happened, as per the rest of the story. I'll try to do things like build on characters, expand the universe, and answer questions.

Gideon is still in jail-or is he?

What happened after my story ended?

So Pacifica runs an orphanage in the future-how does that work?

Wendy and the Supernatural Police?

It won't be up for a while, because I do have other fics to work on. And school is starting soon.

But I will do it. Promise.

---- Dragonsjustice, now signing off.

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