Chapter Eighteen

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In two seconds, Mabel had her grappling hook pointed at Danny's chest. The brunette girl narrowed her eyes.

"What did you do to Danny?!" Mabel demanded.

Danny's body laughed and flicked its wrist. One of the lamps glowed green all over and lifted into the air. It smashed in front of Mabel's feet, and she jumped back.

"Well, he was rather eager to make a deal once I showed him the inevitable." The Halfa's body shrugged. "DP is currently floating around your head, Pine Tree, just so you know."

Ford stalked up to the dream demon and grabbed the front of his shirt. The man lifted the ghost boy up off of the bed. "What's your game, Cipher?"

"Oh, not much." The boy phased out of Ford's grip. "Just a bit of chaos and destruction."

An ectoblast lit in Danny's hand. He raised it, and Bill laughed from inside of the ghost boy's skin. "But I might as well take care of some loose ends while I'm at it."

Ford jumped back just in time, as the emerald blast slammed into the place where he had been standing.

"Mabel, look out!" Dipper shouted, jumping on top of his sister just as a ball of ice smashed into the floorboards.

Bill-Danny laughed again, the harsh sound grating on their eardrums. Energy began to gather around him, light shining in his eyes. "I wonder who will fall first, don't you DP? I bet it's going to be Pine Tree."

Stan positioned himself in front of the twins, raising his hands above him in a ready stance. "You're going to have to get through me first."

Ford stood beside him. "I think you mean us."

Bill-Danny smirked. "Of course. Now we can do this the easy way..."

His eyes gleamed even brighter. "Or the fun way?"

"Run. Now," Stan growled.

Dipper blinked. "What? But we can help!"

"I said run, kid! Now!" Stan shoved the two away as Bill-Danny sent a powerful wave of bright green light at the Pines family.

Dipper and Mabel sprinted out the door, listening to the crashes from upstairs.

"Where are we supposed to go?" Mabel asked.

Her brother skidded down the hall. "Bunker! Go, go!"

The two pounded the code into the vending machine and slammed it shut behind them. They leaned against the door for a moment while they caught their breath.

Mabel punched Dipper hard in the shoulder, making him yelp in pain. "We can't just leave them!"

"I know! But they'll be okay-" I hope. "-while we get supplies."

The twins got into the elevator and pressed the last button as many times as they could in a desperate attempt to make it go faster.

Finally, it halted with a shuddering snap. The two jumped out and raced through the bunker, feet slapping on the cold ground. They split up automatically, Mabel taking the left and Dipper going right.

They rooted frantically through boxes and cabinets, searching for something that would help.

Mabel lifted a glowing green blade triumphantly. "Found something!"

The world suddenly shook, and debris fell from the ceiling. After that, everything was still and silent. Too still.

"They're okay, right?" Mabel asked tentatively, clutching the knife to her chest.

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