linger like a tattoo kiss

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The supermarket was beyond crowded for it being a Wednesday afternoon in early May. You supposed the air conditioned aisles were being used as an escape from the scalding temperatures of approaching summer that threatened to melt the inventory of every ice cream truck in the neighborhood, but to say you were overstimulated was putting it lightly.

You trailed after Wanda and Natasha with a frown on your face, making your disinterest known to both of the lawyers who were in desperate need of more produce and salad kits. You'd never understand why Natasha favored the plastic bags of lettuce over the perfectly green heads that Wanda grew in the back garden, but she'd thrown at least six prepackaged variations into the cart when you stopped at the stand. You were trailing down the cereal aisle now, and your attitude was getting on both of their nerves.

Wanda had been flat out ignoring your temper tantrum since the moment it started, but Natasha was not as keen to be dismissive as her wife. She'd been throwing out warnings since you'd first come through the automatic doors, but they had all fallen on deaf ears as you stayed persistent in your pout. Your arms were folded over your chest, your eyes slitted into daggers if anyone even attempted to look in your direction. You'd been near perfectly behaved for weeks, spare a few harsh comments thrown in Wanda's direction, but they'd both been willing to overlook your harshness because aside from those, you'd been an angel. Whatever streak of good behavior you'd been running off of however, had seen its end, and both lawyers in front of you were shocked by the attitude you simmered in.

"If I have to ask you again to pick up your feet, I'm going to make you sit in the cart like a child." Natasha's voice was quiet, not willing to draw attention from the other shoppers in the aisle, but there was an unignorable warning in her tone. She'd asked you three times to stop dragging your feet across the floors, and each time you promptly dragged them harder. You were absolutely certain that smudges of black looped the grocery store floors and aided as a map to your current location, but you didn't care. You'd been so good, so painfully good and pliant and willing to bend to even the slightest gust of wind, but not today. Not now. Not when it was too hot and too cold at the same time. Not when it was too loud and too crowded and you'd asked them both if you could just stay home. They hadn't wanted that. They wanted to go together, told you that you were going together even after you protested, and you know it's because they'd wanted to get you some of your favorite treats for the end of the semester coming up, but how could they blame you for being cranky when you'd warned them about not wanting to come along at all. You'd been here for what felt like hours, and if your phone wasn't being held captive in Wanda's pocket, you're sure the digits on your lockscreen would support your accusation.

"Can we leave?!" You ignored Natasha's warning, wiggled away from her when she got too close, and pressed yourself up against the shelves of cereal boxes. You wouldn't fare well to the close contact she wanted to initiate, but she didn't seem to get that, because the second you thought you had found peace in your little corner, she was right back in front of you with a glare only the worst criminals faced. She was not your loving and sweet dominant right now, you'd pushed her too far, and she didn't take kindly to embarrassment. You're pretty sure that the man three carts behind you had been gawking at your temperament since you came in, and while Wanda had sent him a glare, he still hadn't gotten the hint that your little attitude didn't concern him. Natasha grabbed at your wrists, pulling them away from your chest with a grip too strong to fight. Your breath hitched in your throat, and you wiggled immediately, but she wasn't letting go. "Nat, let go." You pleaded with her, desperately tried to get her to understand you needed space right now, but she was seething and subsequently blinded by your panic.

"Natalia." Wanda called out for her wife, her careful eye watching your movements despite the seeming disinterest on her lips. Your eyes flickered over to Wanda, and while to Natasha it appeared that you were a deer in headlights anticipating a scolding, the Sokovian could see the wisps of actual panic in your stare. "Let go."

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