song in the car ౨ৎ

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A strangled whine falls off the tip of your tongue when Wanda trails her fingers across the small of your back. The interior of the store is cold, the electric hum of an air conditioning unit almost as loud as the music that plays through speakers hidden within different vents around the clothing store. You can't even fathom what business Wanda and Natasha have being in a shop that's blasting brain melting pop tracks, but they dragged you inside at the first sight of the large LED letters out front.

You've lost sight of Natasha, the Russian made a dramatic show of escaping toward the back wall merely seconds after Wanda dragged you over to look at a rack of denim shorts. The store was geared more toward a generation around your age, the elements of both boho aesthetic and minimalism felt almost too trendy to be authentic, but if you weren't so... overwhelmed, to put it sweetly, you would've vocalized just how much you liked the style of clothes that sat folded precisely on the shelves surrounding you.

Wanda's hand lingered on the small of your back for longer than an appropriate second. Despite the cold store that threatened to erase all memories of the sweltering heat outside, the Sokovian's hands were the perfect cross between just barely warm and unacceptably frigid. The longer they sat on the exposed skin of your back - the baby tee Natasha had picked out for you to wear hugging your ribs tightly and subsequently allowing both her and Wanda access to your sensitive spine - the harder it became to not envision them falling lower and lower until they found a place between your thighs for the second time that day.

You weren't looking at Wanda, intentionally avoiding her strong stare and focusing intensely on the white shelves that adorned the walls. You didn't need to glance at her to feel the devilish smirk that rested across the very lips that had wrapped around your clit and left you needy only a handful of hours earlier to know that it was there and obnoxious. Natasha had kissed her in the car and claimed smugly that Wanda's tongue still tasted of you, but neither had offered any assistance in relieving the sticky situation between your thighs.

When Wanda's question went unanswered a second time, the question being if you liked anything in particular around the store, a perfectly sculpted brow rose in your direction and the attention you'd been putting on the racks of clothing became a fascination of the past. A slender finger cradled your jaw, cold against your flushed skin but not icy enough to flinch away from instinctively. The subtle gesture had forced your eyes away from the t-shirts and baby-tees you'd been meticulously staring at, and rather onto a set of twinkling green eyes. Wanda's lips were still curved upward into a smirk, but they twinged with something dangerous as she set her gaze on your dilated pupils and permanently pink cheeks.

"Mommy asked you a question, milaya. What's got you so distracted?" Wanda pouts, her lips teasing and thin as they purse in an attempt to ward off a sickening grin of mischief that she wore mere seconds beforehand. She knows exactly what's distracting you, she'd been the one to suggest this little game when Natasha decided she wanted to go shopping, but still she feigns innocence as you come undone in a disgusting public mall.

Despite having an answer on the tip of your tongue, you can't find the courage to share it with Wanda. There shouldn't be any reason for you to vocalize your feelings when she's already aware, despite her trying to break you down time and time again. Instead, you settle for something simple, and certain enough to wind her up a good deal. "Nothing." The word doesn't roll off your tongue as easily as you would've liked. It's choppy and cuts like a dagger, but it sits lightly in the air between both of your warm bodies as Wanda takes the time to process what you've just said. Or rather, how you've just blatantly lied to her.

"Oh, nothing's distracting you, baby?" Wanda coos, her head tilting ever so slightly to the side as her eyes threaten to unravel the web of lies you're spinning. You don't even have a chance to answer before she's gripping your jaw, the pad of her thumb pressing into the hollow of your cheek while her pointer fingers sentence the other side of your face to the same fate. Her grip is tight, controlling, but not harsh enough to actually hurt. She's mastered the art of grabbing you in a way that stuns you into submissive silence, and though you're in public where anyone can see, she doesn't seem to mind holding all the cards in her one-handed grip.  "So if Mommy put her hand in those pretty panties you've got on, she wouldn't find a sticky mess?"

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