fights, name-calling, and more

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real short chapter sorry. like I stated, I sorta lost interest in writing this but I still want to write it? idk how to explain but there's some people who really like this so I'll keep writing it just for them
TW: mention of fight, discrimination against neurodivergant people, slight referenced to accidental SH

Camila gripped the steering wheel tight as she parked into the school parking lot. Her mind scrambled with words as she thought of all the possibilities that could've happened. Surely, it wasn't purposely. Hunter was a good kid, and there had to be some logical reasoning to injuring another child.
She was led into the principal's office by a secretary and immediately took note of a sullen Hunter. Across from him sat a little boy holding an ice pack to his eye sitting with what she presumed to be his mother. She shot dirty looks at both Hunter and Camila.
“Ay, mijo,” she immediately went to comfort him, but was interrupted by the principal.
“Ms. Noceda,” Principal Bump cleared his throat to gather attention from both guardians.
“Aa you know, these boys have gotten into a bit of a figh-”
“A fight? This was no fight, this boy severely injured my son!” The other woman interrupted, bursting out in anger. Her son sat silently sobbing in his chair. “And I can warn you, mister, look at that boy's face! You can obviously tell he's been in plenty of fights before and I will press charg-”
“Excuse me?” Camila interrupted, turning her attention towards the talkative woman across from her. “Don't you ever talk about my son like that again, and I swear to God, I will-”
“Ladies!” Principal Bump shouted to gather attention. All eyes went to him. He nervously chuckled as he tugged on his collar.
“We are not going to fight, and I simply just want to know both sides of the story,” he explained. “Hunter, will you please tell me what happened?”
Hunter looked up with tired eyes. His eyebags stuck out against his pale complexion, and his striking scars brightened his face. Slowly blinking, he started his story.
“Vee and I were sitting on the park bench, and he kept bothering Vee and making fun of her. Calling her lizard face and saying she wasn't my sister since she was darker than me. So I punched him in the eye,” Hunter muttered, avoiding eye contact with Bump. The woman looked puzzled and slightly shook her son to get the story out of him.
“I did nothing,” he gritted his teeth. He dabbed the ice pack on his eye while his mother tried to back him up.
He's such a sweet boy!
He would never do this!
Why would you let a freak like him in here?
This is not an inclusive school.
“Ma'am, this student is in one of our special education classes provided by the board of education. I assure you, he belongs here,” Bump said, taking a sip of his coffee. “I do, however, can tell you that bullying is not tolerated, by both students and parents, so I advise you to take your son home and never return. I do not tolerate a fourth grader teasing a seven year old and a five year old.”
The woman stood up and grabbed her son, cussing out the school as she mumbled something about leaving a bad review. Once she was got, Principal Bump laid his hands on the desk.
“I am not getting Hunter in trouble, just to let you know. Although it'll have to be written down in the school records, there'll be no punishment.”
“What about Vee?” Camila asked. She watched as the expression on Bump's face changed to more negative.
“Well, that's the thing I wanted to talk to you about,” he began. “Currently, she's in the nurse's office.”
“What!?” Camila exclaimed. “What happened?”
“We're not 100% sure of the cause, but she was sent down a little before you arrived because her teacher reported that she was deeply scratching her arms to the point where she drew blood. Now, this is a school and we try to make sure all our students are safe, but she has many scars and I don't want her getting even more hurt.”
“Can I just talk to her?” Camila mumbled. She wasn't really thinking about words or bring polite, just wanting check for the safety of Vee.
“Yes, please. She hasn't spoken at all for the past hour,” Bump got up and led Camila and Hunter out into the front office. Hunter was instructed to obtain his items from class as he was being sent home while Camila had a small talk with Vee.
Camila slowly walked into the childish themed nurse's office. Vee sat on a little chair with colorful bandaids scattered across her forearm.
“Hola mija,” Camila smiled as she held out a hand for Vee, who ignored it. Camila bent down to reach eye level with her. “How are you?”
Vee stared out the window on the far right, avoiding eye contact with Camila. She basically ignored her entire presence. Camila slightly squinted her eyes as she gave a slight sigh.
“Let's go home, huh? I'll go get Hunter and Luz, and we can go get ice cream. Does that sound fine with you.” Camila asked. Without taking her eyes off the window, Vee nodded. Once again, Camila stuck out her hand and this time, Vee agreed and held her hand.
Luz didn't expect to be called out, but she wasn't mad. Normally, she would've hated having to leave school since she loved learning, but perhaps this day was different. No one told her what happened between Hunter and Vee, and the older kid. She didn't even question Hunter's mood or Vee's tear stained cheeks. In her head, everything was perfect.
Just like they were supposed to be.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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