Scales after the storm (Part 2/2)

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Not one, but two drawings did SaniMay make for this event, and since this drawing actually consists of two drawings in one... it's 3 art-pieces!!!!!!!!!! Going beyond and above everything I expected! I am going to treasure this forever!!!!!!!!!

Somehow, somehow he made it back to his home without raising any alarm that he was kidnapping a mer... he was seen at the last second by his elderly neighbour though, but she just -oooh'ed- at him, winked and wished him a great day... What a good thing she's always cheering for him to find a partner and doesn't wear her glasses that often or she would have seen Ace didn't have any legs and was practically naked.

First things first he entered the door to his practice and put Ace on the examination bed. "Let me grab some things to treat your wounds-yoi."

And made for his cabinet and searched through it, pulling out different items and bringing it back.

Before he used anything on Ace, he showed everything to merman. Said merman sniffing most things and making a face at the disinfectant and he had to laugh at it.

"I'm sorry-yoi. It smells bad doesn't it?"


"Haha yea. But I promise this will help. Afterwards I'll put this one." and he showed an ointment, "Doesn't smell bad right?"

"... No smell."

"Yeap. You can lay down, it will be easier."

Ace who had been holding himself up nodded and laid down flat but he did keep looking around the practice.

"Home Marco?" the mer asked while Marco worked on treating the different gashes. Most he just disinfected and put a tiny layer of ointment on. Only on the bigger cut on his arm did he put some surgical tape and a fresh well-fitting bandage.

"No or yes.... This is my practice." at the confusion he explained differently, "I help people in here. In here I am a doctor. But my home is connected to it, I'll show it to you in a bit."

It seemed the mer kind of got it so Marco left it at that, soon finishing up and just in time for Ace's stomach to rumble again. "Let's get you some food-yoi."

The beaming smile in return made him smile too and Ace was back in his arms while he made his way out his practice into the door opposite it.

"This is my home." Marco announced entering the space, walking slowly to give a chance for Ace to look around before he entered the kitchen. "Here we are, the kitchen, I'll make some food for you here...... ehm..." well here he was but.... what does he do with Ace?

... Can Ace sit in a chair? Do you need legs to sit in a chair???

Not really seeing a choice he nudged one of the chairs back with his foot before putting Ace down, letting his hands hover around the other as he let go. "Are you good? You're not going to fall???"

"Where food?" Ace just asked as he looked at him.

Okay, if that was his priority that meant he atleast wasn't scared to slid off the chair... he thinks... and he hadn't slipped by the time he had let go. So good.

"I'm going to make it for you." he said as he took off his jacket, putting it away a second and moving to his cupboard to grab bread but.... Do mermen even eat bread? Fish usually don't eat bread... Do they? It's unsafe to give ducks bread, they live on the water.... but a duck is a bird and not a fish... Aaah he really didn't think things through!

New plan, check the fridge. He knew he had eggs and bacon, that may already work, meat and protein, nothing wrong with that right?

Crouching down he opened it and heard a noise of surprise behind him and looked back to see Ace looking over. Eyes widening as he saw him having his tail bend and pressed to the table, making the chair lean on its back legs. He honestly looked like one of those classic teens leaning back in their chair far too much, would get a warning from their teacher to sit straight, doesn't listen and then fall back not long later...

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