Plane Panic Attack

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Content Warning: This chapter describes the symptoms of a panic attack, which might be uncomfortable and triggering for some readers. Please proceed wisely.

Note: I'm not a psychologist or psychiatrist, nor someone who ever experienced a panic attack. I got all the references from Google, so if I make a mistake about this in my writing, I apologize. And please tell me which part I have to fix.

The moment Kala sat down in her plane seat, the feelings of fear and dread were becoming more real. She'd been trying to maintain herself for days since their manager told them they were going to Japan for the first time to film 'The 9th Season 2', which would also be the first time she traveled by plane.

To say that Kala was nervous was an understatement. She was frightened. These past few days, she constantly had nightmares about her parents' death more often than ever to the point she was afraid to go to sleep. The thought of flying on the plane still scared her to no end even after several years had passed.

Kala wasn't ready for this—not yet. But sooner or later, traveling by plane would become her routine as an idol who had fans not only in South Korea, and they obviously wouldn't go around the world by ship, so she must start getting used to it and try her hardest to brace herself to set her feet at the airport finally. It wasn't easy, indeed.

Right after the manager delivered the news, Chan made sure to Kala numerous times if she was going to be okay. As the leader who knew his youngest member best, he was of course aware of her situation. He even asked if it was possible for them to take the ferry instead, but to no avail, the manager said taking the ferry would waste too much time in their already packed schedules.

Having no choice, the only thing Chan could do now was just frequently check up on Kala and ask how she was feeling every quarter of hour. The younger girl did really well masking her uneasiness by giving him thumbs up and a little smile. But for someone like Chan who had known her gestures when she lied, didn't buy it a single bit, especially when her trembling hands gave her away.

Chan knew Kala would keep saying she got this in the hope she'd convince him and herself, so he briefed Changbin who got a seat beside her to keep eyes on their girl maknae and tell him immediately if something happened.

That was how Changbin could hear so clearly when Kala's breaths were getting heavier as the plane started to take off. He attempted to peek at her face which was hidden by the strands of her black hair. "Kala? You okay?"

The lump that formed in Kala's throat due to a sense of overwhelming dread made her unable to respond. Her head was dizzy and her body was burning inside but freezing on the outside. Sweats kept coming out from every inch of her skin. A tingling sensation was present on her fingertips, causing her to fidget her hands with each other. She felt her surroundings were detaching from her like a distortion effect.

She needed air. She needed to breathe.

Changbin reacted quickly as the thing that Chan cautioned him about was happening. He hastily tapped Hyunjin and Jisung's shoulders in the front seats and ordered them to get the leader. Then he returned to Kala, trying his best to calm her down in the meantime. "Kala-ya, can you hear me?" Reaching her hands, he held them firmly to get her focus back to reality.

It worked slightly as Kala squeezed Changbin's hands back, telling him her consciousness was still there, or at least what was left of it.

"You'll be alright, Kala. You'll be okay," Changbin assured softly, rubbing her hands in his. But his concern grew more when Kala's breaths began to hitch.

Thankfully, Chan was at the rescue on time, squatting next to Kala's seat by the aisle. He was glad he had researched how to handle a panic attack in advance, thus he could manage to stay calm in the circumstance that required him to.

"Kalie, I need you to breathe with me, alright? Follow my words," Chan instructed, replacing Changbin's hands with his to provide more comfort for Kala. "Breathe with your nose slowly. Hold it, and count to five. One... Two... Three..."

Four... five... Kala resumed the numbers on her head, and she heard Chan tell her to exhale bit by bit through her mouth.

Hyunjin and Jisung watched them in worry from their seats. Changbin warned them to maintain the distance so Kala wouldn't feel suffocated. The same went for the other members who were just filled in about the maknae's condition and wanted to check if she was okay.

Chan continued helping Kala with her breathing until she gradually relaxed and didn't feel that someone was strangling her to death anymore. It took a while, maybe a couple of minutes, but she survived the fight. By her side, Changbin stayed with her all the time in case she needed something.

"There you go. You're doing great, Kalie," Chan praised as Kala breathed normally again at last. He petted her head fondly to let her know she was doing a good job. "You're safe here. I won't let anything happen to you. You trust me, right?"

Kala nodded. "With my life."

Chan smiled and stood up to leave a kiss on the top of her head. "If you still feel uncomfortable, try to get some sleep, okay?" Receiving a nod, he then looked at Changbin in a certain way. "Changbin-ah, you know what to do."

Changbin gave him the okay sign. "Don't worry, hyung, she's on the right hand."

The older boy patted Changbin's shoulder and left them to explain the situation to the flight crews who were alerted of the commotion.

One of their managers stepped in with a bottle of water. Changbin swiftly took it, opened the cap, and handed it to Kala.

"Yu, if you need anything, I'm right in front of you," Jisung spoke out, grabbing Kala's hand and wiggling it.

After she finished drinking, a weak smile brought out a light on her face once more. "Got it."

Throughout the rest of the flight, Kala was peacefully asleep on Changbin's shoulder whom Chan trusted to take care of her.

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