(Not So) Bonding With Hyunjin

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[This is a compilation chapter. The scenes below either happened before the survival show or during the survival show]

Now these two were always startled when they saw each other in the same space without a third party to be their middleman. It was like a situation when you encounter your most memorable ex for the first time in a while. You don't know what to do at the moment, should you casually say 'hi' or pretend not to see them?

Like this real-time case where Hyunjin and Kala accidentally bumped into each other at the corridor intersection, their body was already set to automatically jump back, avoiding physical contact at all costs. Then they just stood there without a word.

Hyunjin who had just gotten back from school was heading to the dance practice room while Kala wanted to go to the cafeteria to have lunch. But instead of just greeting each other and continuing to their own destinations, they shifted uncomfortably in their place, not knowing what to do.

The younger girl was being the initiator to break the wall this time. "I... want to have lunch at the cafeteria." Kala didn't know what else to say other than that TMI.

"Ah... okay." Hyunjin nodded in rigid. "I'm going to the dance practice room." And he unconsciously did the same.

"I see..."


Four seconds in total

"Should... we go now?" A bit weird but necessary question from Kala.

"We should."

With that, they finally went on their way. Applause, everyone!

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

The ex situation happened again. They had that unbearable awkward state for the—they didn't even count anymore at this point. This time was in the elevator when they were on their way back home.

Earlier there were Seungmin and Jeongin with them, but those two gits ganged up to pretend they left something in the vocal room and went back to get it, purposely telling Hyunjin and Kala to go first.

The two victims hadn't had time to escape from the trap when the elevator door closed, leaving just the two of them in that small box. They were cursing both Seungmin and Jeongin in unison inside.

The quietness was so awful they thought they could die from it. Hyunjin swore his heartbeat was so loud it was deafening. He felt like he wanted to throw up right now.

Kala's condition wasn't much different. She had to control her breath so she didn't appear to be anxious around him. Her hand held the strap of her guitar bag so tight that her nails pierced through her palm.

The elevator moved too slowly to their dismay. It wasn't like they were from the highest floor of the building. They only had to go down 5 floors to get to the lobby, but it was more like they were on a journey to the center of the earth.

"Your guitar bag... is ripped," Hyunjin uttered all of sudden when his eyes were darting and took notice of Kala's guitar bag. He didn't know why he decided to say that. It was his mouth reflex.

Kala awkwardly laughed. "Yeah... a lot of people had told me that."

"Why don't you get a new one?" Follow-up question from Hyunjin. What an unexpected act.

"I'm still saving up for it."

Hyunjin 'oh'-ed and they were back into pin-drop silence until the elevator eventually arrived on the lobby floor where there were already Seungmin and Jeongin who got there by using the other elevator.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

One night, Hyunjin, Felix, Jeongin, and Kala went home late. It was already past 11 in the night when they just got out of the JYPE building and walked together to the dorm. All of them except Felix had changed into their school uniform again as their training clothes were so sweaty and no longer comfortable to wear.

The three boys admitted they were hungry at the same time and agreed to make a quick stop at the usual convenience store. While they went in to buy some snacks, Kala was waiting outside, playing with a stray cat that she found nearby.

Here's a thing about big cities like Seoul that's worth to remember; they have a common problem that often occurs in the middle of the night which is if you meet one or two drunk people on the streets, lurking aimlessly after being wasted out, it's not a strange thing at all. Sometimes these people don't bug, but if you're unlucky enough that day, you could be a target of their unconsciousness. And that night, it happened to be Kala.

Upon seeing a teenage girl still in her uniform school, this drunk guy dragged his feet toward Kala while carrying a bottle of soju in his hand.

"Ya¹, haksaeng²!" he yelled dazedly to Kala, making her perk up at the loud voice. "Why a little girl like you alone in the middle of the night like this? Come to my place, let me accompany you." (¹hey; ²student)

Kala instantly drew back when she smelled a strong scent of alcohol from the guy. Even the stray cat could sense this guy was bad news as it hissed at him.

However, Kala being Kala who didn't want to be mean to the guy smiled tightly. "N-no need, Sir. I... I'm good here."

He didn't seem to like Kala's rejection and started pointing his soju bottle at her. "Ya, don't be so cocky. Who do you think you are to refuse me?"

Backing off, Kala prepared her guitar bag to be a defense weapon, so if the guy tried anything to harm her, she just needed to hit him on the head with it.

But looked like it was unnecessary as a boy hastily stepped between them and stood tall in front of Kala, blocking her from the drunk guy's view.

"Sir, I might need to ask you to leave before I call the police," Hyunjin stated firmly, his expression hardened staring at the guy.

That was when another guy showed up and claimed to be the friend. He apologized to Hyunjin and Kala then quickly took his friend away from them.

The two teenagers watched them as they withdrew from their sight.

Hyunjin turned his body to face Kala, a tinge of concern lingered on his face. "Are you okay?"

Kala nodded, sighing in relief. "Yeah," she replied shortly and gave him a little smile. "Thanks for the help, Oppa."

Taken aback by the little genuine smile, Hyunjin became flustered. "S-sure."

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