Chapter 1: A Chance Encounter

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Chayana slipped past the bouncer and made her way inside Ozzies. Her connection was supposed to meet her here. "Weirdo, who the fuck wants to meet at the sex joint?" She muttered under her breath "Especially for a ......." She was not paying any attention to where she was going in the dim light. A small  imp was greeting guests, walking backward
"Well, enjoy your time at Ozzies, and don't be afraid to get fucked u-" The two collide.

"Oh shit, sorry I wasn't watching where I was going." The imp turns around, apologizing.
Chayana did a double take, "no fucking long has it been? What are you doing here?" Fizzarolli catches his balance
"C-Chaos? Is that really you?"
She starts gushing, remembering the day she had to leave everything she knew behind. " Oh, Fizz!" she gave him a huge hug, "I'm surprised you even still recognize me. Well, I guess I do still dress the same"

She let go "I saw you had made it big, I'm glad you made it out of that three ring shit hole, things got really bad while you were out in the hospital, and they wouldn't let me see you, they wouldn't let anyone see you, so what have you been up to? It's been years, and I want to know everything." They sat down at a table, and Fizz flagged down a waitress for drinks. He stuck with nonalcoholic, knowing he still had to get on stage.
"Well, I work here now," he said
"How did you swing that? Are you banging Asmodeus?" She joked and chuckled, sipping some of her drink; Fizz chuckled back.
"Well..."he started to admit. "No..." she gave him a look of disbelief, "I was kidding," she set her drink down. "How the hell did you...huh, good for you..."She said, looking impressed and in disbelief. She took a sip of her drink, and she looked around, trying to compute what she had just heard. "nope, nope still sounds werid in brain, the werido imp kid I grew up with is living all the glamor and hitting it with a deadly sin....yeah just a werid when I say it out loud" Fizzarolli chuckled at her. " What can I say? I'm irresistible," he said, sitting up a little taller with his chest out a hint more. "Shit I guess, you're fucking Lust himself, you must be doing something right" she said as she swirled her drink before taking another sip.

"So, anybody in your life?" He asked, trying to pry not seeing any single people in the building that weren't staff. "Oh me? No, last guy said I'm fragile like bomb" making air quotations with her hands as she said it,"  whatever that's supposed to mean, I told him I was taking hit contracts and suddenly  you bring home a dead body one time, you'd think he'd know when they date an assassin but oh well" she shrugs. "Oh shit," she looked around. " I'm not keeping you, am I?"

"Oh no, I have plenty of time, so what have you been up to since the circus days?" He asked. She looked down for a second, trying not to make eye contact. "Well... you know  I got out... there's a lot to that. It's kinda a long story..." She took a deep sigh " so you were hurt and down, Blitz was staying God knows where, and so it left me...and so they kept me preforming but I was growing up so they could make my act more risqué and its just kept being more and more until well one day when I was alone with one of the coach's, he took thing too far and I snapped" she shifted "let's just say the circus had one less trainer...I panicked, shit was already bad, what were they gonna do when they learned I offed their best trainer? So I ran, I found Blitz, he had just started his Murder business so he took me in, hid me, and honestly I kinda enjoyed the thrill, as fucked up as it was" she paused a moment.

"Oh, I know exactly where Blitz went, I was burning up right in front of him, and he ran away, we're good friends now, but I still can't believe he did that" Fizzarolli ranted.

"Yeah at first which was fucked but" she looked up with a small smile " He left for a while but he did try, go see level...they wouldn't let him anywhere near you or even the grounds, I'm really glad you guys made up, how the hell did that happen?"

"We got kidnapped, then broke free and talked and hugged it out." he casually spoke about his run-in with danger.

she looked taken back by it "trauma bond, don't love that for you" she chuckled "I'm kidding , sounds crazy but knowing you two, those guys didn't have any idea what they were getting themselves into, even if you guys went in not on good terms" she thought for a moment taking a sip of her drink. "So weird question, but what did they tell you?...when I left... you were just starting to come around from what I was being told, so it couldn't have been too long after"

He looked at her, putting his tongue in his cheek. "They told me that you wanted nothing to do with me, but I never believed that."

Chayanas smile grew "I'm really glad you didn't buy their bullshit, it had nothing to do with you, honestly if I was gonna stay for anyone it would have been you and Blitz you guys were the only thing that made that place livable, like I said I left cause well...I made a much better assassin than I did a clown,"  she took another a sip of her drink " ,still a pretty decent contortionist and aerialist, you guys never could catch me on the Straps." Chaos laughed and winked. Fizz  chuckled
"Hehe, yup,"
his phone vibrated, and it was a message from Ozzie it read 'showtime froggy'

"Oh, I got to go on stage. It was nice seeing you again, I'll see ya after the show," he said with a smile while getting up and walking backstage.
"Good luck, break a leg," She called out as he walked away. She sat and waited for the show to begin. " OH FUCK THE MEETING" she thought, she had completely forgot why she was even there.

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