Chapter 7: Clowning Around

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Meanwhile, in greed
Crimson got out of the car and walked into his house with the case shutting the door behind him he set the case down on his desk and sat down in his chair and opened the case pulling out the gun and checking the magazine; noticing it was empty, he checked the chamber it also was empty so he looked all throughout the case finding a 2 bullets in a secret compartment he pulled them out placing the gun back

"Alright, phew, I almost thought there wasn't gonna be any bullets." Inspecting the round, he discovered something that filled him with rage. "WHAT, there's no core! It's a fucking dummy...that bitch..." He opened a draw grabbing a few regular carbine rounds and placing them in the case. "There just in case anyone goes snooping it at least looks legitimate."

Just then, a pounding hit the door. Mammon pulls the doors off the hinges
" Whata ya got there, Crim, a little birdie told me you had something....quite valuable."

Crim quickly pulled the case under his desk. "Oh, hey, mammon, hehe, just got an angelic rifle, nothing too big."

Mammon pushed his way into the door with an excessive amount of effort, trying to squeeze his plump frame through the doorway. "Now NOW, Pals don't lie to 'ach other. I let you operate your little... business and you" he pushed Crim out of the way as if he was nothing more than a paperweight, he bent down to look under the desk and see what the imp had stashed when he was coming in, "Tell me when something...worth my time comes up" He immediately spotted the case and back at Crim,  "an' that annoyin' bitch  doesn't call me out of the blue for nothing, so tell me ya little shit"  he grabs Crim "Why is she up my ass about 'a little angelic rifle'" he mocks the last part "you're hidin' somethin' I can smell it"

Crim tried to hide his nervousness from the oversized clown. "Y-yeah no, it's just a stupid angelic rifle. She probably called you because I stole it from her, and she's probably whining about it to you. "

The lighting cracked behind her in the broken doorway. "Ya? really still singing that song? Crim, I really would think you'd come up with something better by now."
Mammon and Crimson both turn to see her enter.
"Kricky, you got down here faster than I expected, So what is it you have your pussy so up in a bunch about?" Mammon asked rudely
"What the fuck are you doing here Chaos?" Crim was cold.

" I think you know damn well Why I'm here" she glared at Crim walking in a huff "You've threaten my friends, forced me into situations I'd rather fuck him" as she pointing at Mammon "than be in, I've been shot at, stolen from and compromised, all fucking night... GIVE.ME.MY.DAMN.GUN.RIGHT.NOW"
Mammon interrupted her tirade "umm...sweetheart we did-" Chaos turned to him as if she could look could kill a demon. "Not now, Mammon," she said with her teeth clenched.
Crimson looked at her amused "HA, like I'd give you shit." Chaos pulls out her pistols. "I'm not leaving without it, spoiler alert Mammon, I'll skip ahead for you, What he's got its meant to kill sins" She took aim and side eyed the clown demon "rethinking your alleys yet?"

"Hey hey hey hey, we don't need to lie now hehe" Crim lied through his teeth, still hoping Mammon would favor him, knowing his feelings towards women. Mammon thought for a moment before he picked up Crim up, moving him out of the way, grabbing the case and opening it. "Would ya look at that..."
Crim ran up and snatched up the rifle.
He scurried to the door on e more and back to his car.

"DAMNIT EVERY FUCKING TIME!" Chaos sighed in frustration "I swear this night is never going to end"
"What the fuck are ya waitin' for? He ain't getting that far" Mammon squeezes his way through the already broke door transforming into a giant Arachnid, his 8 legs gaining on the car in no time.
"DRIVE FASTER YOU FUCKIN BITCH" Crim yelled to his shark driver.
Mammon picks up the car like its a toy. "Crim, where ya going, mate? I was just gonna have a little chat with ya" Mammon started laughing hysterically and heading back to the house "in fact I think we all need to have a little chat" he kept laughing maniacally holding Chaos and Crim both in separate hands with the case dangling from a different leg, as they approach the house he looked down at the sharks shaking a little. "SHRAM!". They all leave in a puff of smoke, leaving the three to speak privately.
As they entered the house both Crim and Chaos were bickering "oh for fuck sakes," he let put, "would you just shut the fuck up already!"
Mammon tied both of them up in chains and sat them at the the long table setting the rifle in the middle.
"NOW, I wanna know EVERYTHING about this beauty here, because obviously it's worth more than its weight in gold if you two Cants' won't stop fighting over who would like to start" his eyes darted back and forth between the two.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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