Chapter 5: Worth More Dead

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Crim slammed Chaos bound into a chair towards the back of the club.

"Where is he?" he barked in her face. She turned her face away
"I told you I don't know,"
This angered Crim.

"Bullshit, you staged his death. You obviously know where he is."
He turned to one of his sharks
"Larry, go search everywhere for him every room and every nook and cranny."
Chaos finally broke, hoping  they wouldn't find his hiding place.
"OK, OK, look, we made the video, then he ran off. He's gone. You are wasting your time,"
"I'm not take that bullshit excuse, WHERE. IS. HE?" he yelled at her again, lifting her out of the chair by her shirt. He set her back in the chair.
"Ok, you don't wanna talk, that's fine," Crim snapped, and two sharks close in on her pulling out knives. Just then, one of his sharks was walking back while holding onto Fizz's arm.

"AHHH, LET GO OF ME YOU SOM OF A BITCH" Fizz was yelling dragging behind the shark. Chaos watches the scene in horror. The shark throws Fizz at Crims feet  between him and Chaos.

"Oh, look at that, I should just kill you right now for lying to me,"
He motioned for another one of his sharks to hold Chaos and Fizz down.
She looked down defeated.

'This is it, damn, this is really how it's gonna end, the most complicated hit Ive ever had, thats whats gonna get me' she let the pitiful thought sink in before she thought of something.

"WAIT....WAIT WAIT WAIT.....I have something, something more valuable than his life and mine, I will trade it.....but you have to let us go when you get it...." She frantically pleaded  "Striker...he had a rifle...designed to kill royals...I know he showed it to you......What if I told you I modified it, originally as a favor for him.....and then kinda forgot to give it I have it"

Crim spun the blade he'd had pulled out. "You've got my attention. What do you mean you modified it?"

" I modified it for sins.....I didn't give it back to him because, well frankly I don't trust him with that kind of power and just in case I ever needed it........think Crim, Royals and Sins? You'd be unstoppable....isn't that worth more than 2 grudge kills?" She kept pleading

Fizz looked up at her, shooting her a look and mouthing ' what the fuck are you doing?' She looked ashamed back at him and then back at Crim

"Show it to me"  He motioned for the shark to let go of Chaos and untie her. She sighed in relief, rubbing her wrist from the ropes, and looked towards Fizz.
"ok, but I don't have it let Fizz go now and your goons can all come with me to get it, and if I'm lying, you can just kill me right there"

"Hmmmm, no, he can stay nice in tight in my sharks arms, now, lead the way to this modified weapon if yours." He stands firm

"Fine..." she looks at the sharks."If you touch one hair on his head while we're gone, I swear to Satan you will regret it" She threatened. The shark chuckled

"Cmon now, let's go" Chaos is escorted to the car. She got in ahead of Crim. Her small form stood out in the old Ford back seat.  She sits in the seat, pouting the entire way to the Hotel.
"For the love of satan...please please stay in the car......If the people here find out I'm doing this kinda shit....well I'll just say they can't find if I'm not back in 10 mins by all means storm the castle." She slammed shut the door and walked up to the hotel, hoping nobody would see her come in or out.

As she crept up to the entrance, she heard a voice behind her.
"This is where you live?"
She spun around to see Crim with 2 sharks standing there.
"I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO STAY IN THE CAR!" She whispered yelled at him

" nope, not gonna happen toots, now let's go see this shiney toy of yours" he hustled her along to the entrance
"Ok, just try not to be seen" she poked her head into the entrance, searching around, it was late enough it didn't loom like anyone was in the lobby. Crim blew right past her and walked straight in.
"Damnit, what part of don't be seen don't you get!"
"I don't see the big deal," he shrugged
"I CANNOT be seen with you, I especially cannot be seen making an illegal arms deal with you and pissing off the princess of hell isn't on my to do today" Chaos was flabbergasted with annoyance at how nonchalant Crim was being. If she got caught here, Charlie would be furious.
She crept down the hall towards her room when she heard Angel dust and Husk coming there way.
She pushed all of them into the closest room.
Alastor is eating his usual raw deer feast when the 4 barge into the room.
" hey Alastor...uh how are you?"
The deer demon looks at the lot with a confused smile. "Chayana dear, who are your friends?"
"Oh, these guys?Nobody....they were just leaving. They just wanted a tour and are"
She looks out the door and sees the coast is clear. She opened the door and let them all out. "Great to see you Alastor...enjoy your...meal?" As she goes to step out the door, Alator appears right next to it, "I do hope you know what you're doing, would be such a shame to lose you" he gives her a menacing smile. "R-r-right, I'm ok, thanks." She hurries out of the room, shutting the door behind her. She hurried the group a short distance further to her room. "Here!" She unlocks the door and hustles everyone inside, still checking that none else has seen them.
"Ok," she bends down to retrieve a guitar case under her bed. She opens it, removing the guitar and insert. There, revealed is a false bottom. She flips the clasps, and the rifles chrome glimmer shines in the light.
"There now you've seen it,"
Crim closes the case, "pleasure doing business."
"Not so fast." Chaos slams her hand on the case."Fizz and I go free. That was the deal. "
Crim face turns to a sinister smile, "about that, turns out I want both."
The sharks rush, she hit her with a tazer and bind her limbs and joints. They stuff a gag in to keep her from yelling for help.
They drop her on the floor laughing. She looks up, watching them secure the rifle and tear through her room for any other valuables.
They leave no trace, picking up her and her firearm and moving back to the car. This time, being careful not to be seen.
'Oh sure, now they care,' she thought. She struggled against  her binds, but it was no use. She had just handed them everything they ever wanted. It was all her fault.

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