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You pulled into the six car garage, feeling good. It was another late, difficult night. You could only be grateful to be back at the house after your very long day filled with annoying customers, and an even more annoying manager. Constant pestering and nitpicking, as if you couldn't do your job any faster or at all. Yeah sorry you couldn't sprint across the restaurant to deliver your customer's drinks and food at the speed of sound. You were only human after all.

With enough self-loathing to fill the next mile and an half, you get out of your car and walk into the mud room. You take off your shoes and coat, placing them in the closet for safe keeping. But not before being blinded by a jacket coated in really shiny sequins, which combined with the light felt like a flashbang. This jacket was just added to the closet today, because you definitely would've noticed this menagerie when you left this morning.

The jacket was all the way covered in sequins and even on the inside as you saw after investigation. Probably Blue trying a new, and hopefully short lived, aesthetic, you noted.

Letting your eyes recouperate, you looked at the closet for a while and looked at the distinct coats and jackets littering the space. Each one you could tell whose it belonged to.

Papyrus had a long distinct red shall that looked more like a cape or a wizard's robe, Sans had a plain blue puffer coat but only after his brother demanded he wear something thicker than his also plain blue felt zip up hoodie. Red had a large baggy kid-going-through-their-emo-phase esque jacket with a hood that contained enough fluff to cover a large mutt. Edge had a wannabe black leather jacket with flames on the back and arms with metal spikes on the shoulders and cuffs, also kid-going-through-their-emo-phase like. Blue's new jacket you did not want to look at again. Stretch had a nice long green coat that would reach his ankles comprised of thick fabric and buttons made of hard plastic.. which is not something you'd expect. Andddd you just remembered you were tired with a desire for food and sleep.

Walking into the house, it was still full of energy, which was weird. After all, it was late, 11:38 to be exact. Your roommates would be sleeping or at least in bed by now, especially the more responsible of the bunch. But yet here you were, you could hear voices and laughter.

You followed the sound to the source to find your skelebuddies all at the dining table. They weren't eating though, just chatting. And they left one seat vacant, one seat for you.

Noticing you standing there in the doorway, seemingly in a trance, they call to you. "long night huh, kid?" Red remarked.

"HELLO Y/N!" Papyrus greeted, waving to you as if you weren't a few feet away.

"You guys haven't started yet? It's literally after eleven." You furrowed your brows, taking your seat.

Cinnabar frowned, "We Wanted To Wait Until You Came Home, Dear. Is That So Bad?" He asked, feigning dramatics.

"Well, no..." You paused, feeling a weird lump in your throat for some reason. "It's just that no one's ever done that for me before. I'm used to eating meals alone." You shrug, not realizing the implications of what you just said. They all look just stare at you. You felt a blush rise up to your cheeks, you look away in embarrassment.

There was a silence in the room, awkward wouldn't be the best way to describe it, a little depressing and somewhat concerned would be the proper way. "WELL, YOUR WELCOME. LET'S GET TO THE FOOD NOW! I'M HUNGRY." Edge declared, breaking the silence.

"EDGE..." Blue face palmed.


"I agree with Edge. I'm hungry too." You agreed, wanting to change the subject from such emotionally intimate undertones.

One Human and a Whole Lotta Bones!Where stories live. Discover now