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You woke up to your 3 AM alarm, groaning. You weren't able to sleep all that much with work and your homework last night, at least you got a solid... three hours? You knew that wasn't nearly enough, but it was better than nothing like most days.

You slid out of bed, akin to a slug. Your eyes felt heavy as you motioned toward your undergarment drawer. You opened it, noticing your abundance of socks and other clothing, but acute lack of underwear. You slowly blinked, your sleepy way of frowning without exhausting so much energy. Closing your drawer, you grab your blanket and wrap it around you, taking yourself downstairs to the laundry room.

Walking down the stairs and past the foyer, past the kitchen and the door to the basement, you get to the laundry room and attempt to open the door. But, it's locked? You slow blink again. You don't know why someone in their right mind would have a lock on the laundry room of all things, but pondering the necessity of that was beyond your tired consciousness. Weirdly, you heard shuffling in the room, someone was in there.

Sudden the door was opened to a nervous looking Stretch, he smiled down at you. "hey sweetie, what's brings you to the laundry room at such an hour?" He uttered.

Becoming more awake, you furrow your brows. "I can ask you the same question. I was here to get my underwear, what were you doing here?" You raised a brow, becoming suspicious.

Stretch had a habit of staying up late longer than he should. On nights where you'd be up late or woke up in the middle of your sleep, he could be up and fumbling about in his room or around the house. It worried you a little, but when you'd ask he'd insist he was fine.

"oh nothing, just laying around and staying up like usual. you know me..!" He chuckled faintly, leaning more of himself against the door frame.

You tried to look into the laundry room, seeking your underwear. Considering you're the only one who wore underwear, they wouldn't be hard to find. Suddenly Stretch's body shifted to shield the laundry room from being seen. "need something?" he inquired, trying to act like he wasn't nervous.

"Yes, I already told you... Stretch let me come inside." You frowned, your headache starting to form.

You two continued to do the this in-the-door-frame tango until you saw an opening in between his legs. You dived so fast to what seemed to be his crotch that the only thing he was able to react with was to hastily cover his area in defense. Unfortunate for him though, you were definitely not going for his non-existent junk.

You successfully went in between his legs and got into the laundry room. You felt triumphant. You quickly scanned the room for your underwear and—

Was that a sewing kit and one of Edge's crop tops?

Before you could investigate any further Stretch grabbed your shoulders, turning you to him, away from what you just saw. "You're the one that sews up everyone's shirts?" You asked, smiling genuinely.

In your roommates' mansion, every time someone would get a hole or a tear in their clothes, the next time they got them, the embellishment would be patched up. It was always suspected that Blue or Papyrus was the one who did it, considering they are the ones that take care of the laundry most often. But they had both confirmed that they didn't do it. You had always suspected it was Cinnabar and he never owned up to it because he would find it embarrassing for the others to know he cared that much. But, you never suspected it could be Stretch!

Stretch is by far the laziest out of all your roommates, even in comparison to Sans, which is nothing to scoff at. To find out that he was the kind one doing the sewing was not only cute, but a surprise.

Stretch sighed, an orange-creamsicle-like color spreading across his cheekbones. "yes..." He looked down, not wanting to make eye contact with you.

"I didn't know you knew how to sew!" You brought your hand up to your face, this was too cute.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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