A scandalous coincidence : Jimin's dream

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The new year had barely begun, and already it felt like a rollercoaster ride of emotions. I had high hopes for the coming months, filled with optimism and excitement for what lay ahead. But alas, fate had other plans in store for us, and it seemed that trouble was brewing on the horizon.

Y/N, my dear Y/N, had found herself embroiled in a dating scandal just a mere month into the new year. And while, yes, technically speaking, it wasn't bad news for me per se, as an idol myself, I couldn't help but sympathize with her plight. After all, dating scandals were no walk in the park, especially when they involved baseless rumors and tabloid sensationalism.

But deep down, beneath the layers of sympathy and concern, there was another emotion simmering just beneath the surface—jealousy. Yes, that's right, jealousy. Because why couldn't it have been me? Why couldn't the tabloids have picked me instead of Cha Eun Woo?

I mean, think about it. I was the only idol who had a scandal with Y/N before she even debuted. Sure, it was about me almost assaulting her with a basketball because I mistook her for the shadow stalker, and yes, it did end up ruining her debut, but still! It made more sense for us to be caught up in a scandal together, didn't it?

But no, instead they had to go and accuse my Y/N of dating Eun Woo, of all people. And while, yes, objectively speaking, Eun Woo was a great guy and all, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of indignation at the mere suggestion that he was worthy of her affections.

Because let's face it, Y/N deserved someone like me. No, scratch that, she deserved exactly me. Not me, as in Park Jimin, but someone like me. You know, charming, talented, devastatingly handsome...the whole package.

So yes, while on the surface I may have appeared anxious and concerned for Y/N's well-being, deep down it was the injustice of it all that really had me worked up. How dare they accuse my Y/N of dating someone other than me? It was an outrage, I tell you, an absolute outrage!

But of course, I kept all these feelings to myself, plastering on a fake smile and nodding along as my fellow idols commiserated over Y/N's supposed misfortune. After all, it wouldn't do for the world to know just how deeply I cared for her, now would it?

And so, as the scandal continued to unfold and the tabloids ran wild with speculation, I could only sit back and seethe silently, secretly wishing that it had been me in those headlines instead of Cha Eun Woo. But hey, a guy can dream, right?

As I scrolled through the headlines on my phone, my heart plummeted into the depths of despair. "Y/N Caught in Dating Scandal with Cha Eun Woo!" screamed the tabloid headlines, each word stabbing me like a dagger through the heart.

I felt my pulse quicken and my palms grow clammy as I read through the salacious articles, each one painting a damning picture of Y/N and Eun Woo's alleged secret romance. And to make matters worse, the evidence seemed irrefutable—a matching Chanel necklace spotted on both of them was all it took to ignite a firestorm of speculation and gossip.

But amidst the chaos and confusion, one thought kept swirling around in my mind like a broken record: Why did I care so much?

I mean, sure, Y/N was my junior, and we had our fair share of...uh, interactions in the past. But that didn't mean I had any romantic interest in her. No way, no how. I mean, she was just a colleague, right? Just a fellow idol whom I happened to know. Nothing more, nothing less.

Except...why did the mere thought of her dating someone else fill me with such irrational dread?

I shook my head, trying to dispel the intrusive thoughts that threatened to consume me. This was ridiculous. I had no right to feel jealous or possessive over Y/N's love life. After all, she was a grown woman capable of making her own decisions, and who she chose to date was none of my business.

But try telling that to my racing heart and clammy palms.

I needed to do something, anything, to put an end to this madness before it spiraled out of control. And that's when it hit me—I needed to seek professional help. No, not a therapist (although that wouldn't be a bad idea at this point), but someone who knew how to handle crises of the celebrity variety.

I got up, grabbed my coat, and drove to the company. The weight of the situation hung heavy on my shoulders, urging me forward with a sense of urgency that I couldn't ignore. As I entered the building and made my way to the PR team's office, I couldn't help but notice the curious glances and whispered murmurs that followed in my wake.

When I entered her office, Mrs. Kwon looked up from her laptop, her expression a curious mix of amusement and exasperation. "Jimin, what brings you here today? Another wardrobe malfunction?"

I shook my head frantically, my words tumbling out in a rush as I struggled to explain the gravity of the situation. "No, it's not that, Mrs. Kwon. It's...it's about Y/N."

At the mention of Y/N's name, Mrs. Kwon's eyebrows shot up in surprise, her lips curling into a knowing smirk. "Oh~" she purred, her voice dripping with tantalizing innuendo.

I felt my face flush crimson with embarrassment, but I pushed through the awkwardness, determined to get to the bottom of this mess. "It's about the dating scandal with Cha Eun Woo. I need your help to clear things up and set the record straight."

Mrs. Kwon's smirk widened into a full-blown grin as she turned her laptop screen to face me, revealing a carefully crafted statement debunking the dating rumors once and for all. "There you go, Jimin. Crisis averted."

I breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a weight lift off my shoulders as I read through the official statement. It was a masterpiece of spin and deflection, crafted with Mrs. Kwon's trademark finesse and expertise.

But just as I began to relax, Mrs. Kwon's next words sent a shiver down my spine. "Now, let's talk about why Park Jimin of BTS is so invested in his junior's love life, shall we?"

I froze in my tracks, my mind racing as I struggled to come up with a plausible excuse. "I-I was just curious!" I blurted out, my voice rising in pitch with each word.

Mrs. Kwon arched an eyebrow skeptically, her gaze boring into me with laser-like precision. "Curious, huh? Well, let's just say that curiosity killed the cat, Park Jimin. And in your case, it might just kill your reputation too."

Maybe, I should take her advice more seriously...Or not, because do I listen? Absolutely not! 

I gulped audibly, my throat suddenly dry as desert sand. This was not how I had envisioned this conversation going. All I had wanted was to clear Y/N's name and put an end to the rumors. But now, it seemed that I had unwittingly landed myself in even hotter water than before. But who cares as long as Y/N isn't dating eun woo?!

I leaned back in my chair, a wide grin spreading across my face as I realized the truth. Of course, Y/N wouldn't date anyone who wasn't...well, who wasn't like me. Not me, of course, but someone who shared my unique charm and charisma. Someone who could match her wit and intelligence, her kindness and compassion.



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