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C H A P T E R O N E - T U T O R


I breathed in deeply as I watched the yellow school bus slowly come to a stop. I stood up from the porch and wiped my sweaty palms on my jeans as I made my way to the bus.

James, the bus driver, smiled shyly at me and I gave him a small wave as I made my way up the steps. I kept my eyes on my dirt covered converse as I timidly made my way to my usual seat in the middle of the bus. I placed my back pack on my lap and laid my head against the smudgy window as the bus slowly pulled off.

It didn't take long for the bus come to its next stop. I felt my legs begin to tremble and I nervously bit on my lip as I waited for her to exit her home. The door to the bus opened and she entered the bus. I tried to keep my eyes on anything but her, but our eyes soon connected and a smirk made its way onto her face.

I quickly averted my eyes elsewhere as she eventually passed by me. I knew she had taken the empty seat directly behind me because I could feel her breath on the top of my head as she sat. The bus took off and I held my trembling fingers together as I stiffly kept my body straight.

I was so nervous and in my thoughts that I hadn't realised that the bus had stopped in front of my school. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and silently thanked God that nothing has transpired between the two of us. A morning bus ride for me had never been this calm.

I got up from my seat and quickly made it to the front of the bus. I gave James a quick head nod and leaped out of the bus and paced towards the school gate.

I made it to my locker and opened it. I took my back pack off my back and zipped it open. Before I was able to grab any of my books, I felt someone roughly shove me into my locker. I whimpered out in pain as my head hit the edge of the opened locker door.

I fell onto the ground and instantly held onto my stinging forehead. My lips trembled as I fought the urge to cry. I looked up at the perpetrator and felt my eyes begin to sting. Robyn looked down at me amused and held up her hands, shrugging.

"God I'm so sorry Beyoncé. I tripped." She sarcastically said.

I felt everyone's eyes on me and quickly took ahold of the strap of my back pack and began to pick up my scattered school books. I heard multiple low gasps coming from the people who stood and gawked and quickly looked up at Robyn.

The smile on her face quickly faded and her eyes widened in shock. She slowly took a step back and looked around as everyone began to whisper. Confused, I quickly looked down at my bag and saw that the strap I had grabbed onto was stained with blood.

My eyes widened and I quickly held onto my forehead. I was bleeding. I looked up at Robyn and I could've sworn I saw her a hint of guilt in her eyes. I had to have been concussed because that couldn't have been at all true.

"What's going on? Did you guys not hear the bell ring? Get to class!"

Everyone began to scatter as the principal scolded at them. Robyn hadn't moved and our eyes never left one another's.

"What's going- Beyoncé? What happened?"

Principal Jenkins kneeled down beside me in a panic and quickly examined my head. Robyn nervously took a step back and I quickly averted my eyes for hers and focused on Mrs.Jenkins.

"I-I fell."

Mrs.Jenkins sighed and helped me up onto my feet. She picked up my books, placed them into my bag, zipped it up and shut my locker. She turned around and scowled.

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