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C H A P T E R T E N - B E L T


My legs trembled as I sat in the secretary's office. Robyn and Karrueche were in the principals office yelling up a storm. I had tuned them out in the beginning but I soon came to my senses when my initial shock wore off. They argued back and forth as principal Jenkins tried getting to the bottom of what actually happened in the hallway. I expected everything to be overlooked like always. What I didn't expect was Karrueche actually telling the truth. I didn't even know why she had slapped Robyn in the first place.

From what I could hear, after Robyn had punched me, Karrueche slapped her and that's when they fought one another. Mr.Carter had tried to take me into the main office but I refused to be around Robyn. Every time I neared her, it felt as though my lungs had began to close up. I did get a good look at her before I left though. From the looks of it, Karrueche won the fight. I was actually quite impressed. Karrueche much like myself didn't look like the fighting type. She was a bit more lady like than Robyn. Robyn although very feminine was very much a tomboy.

Robyn punching me in the hallway was the very last thing I had on my mind though. Daddy was coming. I heard the secretary call for him a few minutes ago. Why did I ask for him? I was frightened, I know that. But I should've never asked for him. His going to be so mad at me.

He specifically told me that he didn't want to come down to the school and now because of me he was coming. I initially thought that he would decline when the secretary called him but I heard her tell Mrs.Jenkins that he'd be here soon. My entire being trembled at the thought of him showing up with me looking like this. There were no physical bruises present on my flesh, but I was quite sure that I looked completely disheveled. I could tell by the wide eyed stares of the students and faculty members. My little breakdown in the hallway had frightened everyone including myself. It's as for a split second I felt myself completely losing my mind.

"God I'm so fucking sick of her."

My eyes were dead set on my fingers that were placed in my lap. Karrueche yelling is what made me look up at the closed office door in utter shock. She was so loud.

"She's a bully. A fucking coward. Forever picking on that poor defenceless girl."

I looked up at the secretary and she smiled at me sympathetically. I lowered my head once again and shut my eyes as I tried to control my heavy breathing and trembling limbs. This wasn't happening. This isn't happening. This is a nightmare. A sick and terrible nightmare.

"Girl fuck you. Don't make it seem like you give a fuck about her." Robyn angrily gritted. Her Barbadian accent now very much on display. "Let everyone know that you're a whore and the only reason why you have an issue with me is because I'm with Christopher."

I heard Karrueche scoff and sarcastically scream out a squeaky laugh. "I don't care about that fucking lunatic. You two deserve one another you crazy bitch."

"That's enough." Mrs.Jenkins yelled.

The yelling soon stopped and shortly after I heard what sounded like furniture roughly being moved around. Mr.Carter who had coincidentally walked in exactly that moment, immediately headed for the office door in a hurry and so did the secretary. Mr.Carter ran through the doors and I saw the principal standing in the middle of the two girls, struggling to keep them away from one another. Karrueche had managed to manoeuvre her hand over the Principal to grab a fist full of Robyn's hair. My eyes widened even more. If that was even physically passible. The secretary grabbed Robyn and Mr.Carter grabbed onto Karrueche and tried desperately to pull them off of one another.

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