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C H A P T E R  E I G H T
- R E S E M B L E


The day had gone by quite fast. After the incident in the bathroom, I had missed two whole classes and hadn't seen both Robyn or Chris since. I sat in a complete daze for most of the day. I didn't eat during lunch and I didn't bother to take note of anything that was being taught. When the bell rang signifying that school was officially over, I bothered not to place any books into my locker and strolled through the crowded halls with a full backpack and an aching heart. I walked with my head down and tuned out the noisiness of the outside world as I strolled alongside the pavement.


I looked up and was met with Mr.Carters vehicle. Without a word, I strolled over to his car and swiftly hopped into the passengers side. No small talk was made between the two of us which I didn't mind at all. I was in no mood to communicate as I felt as though I'd burst into a river of tears at any given second.

I was extremely exhausted. I knew that I would be in so much trouble as soon as I got home. The principal might have already given him a call and to top it all off, I'm headed to Mr.Carters house instead of going straight home which was what daddy specifically instructed me to do. I just hoped that our session didn't take too long.

Soon enough we were pulling up to Mr.Carters house. We both got out and like the last time, I followed behind him as we walked up to his porch. He opened the door and stood aside as I entered first. He then entered behind me, shut the door and locked it.

"Should I go up?"

"Yeah, I'll be right there."

I nodded and headed up the stairs. I remembered what room I had entered last time and swiftly opened the door and walked over to the bed. I took my backpack off as I sat down and opened it up before taking out what I would be needing for our session. Mr.Carter then soon entered and I smiled up at him as he walked over towards me. He sat down directly in front of me and positioned himself so that he was facing towards me.

"Where did these bruises on your neck come from?"

My smile instantly fell from my face as my eyes widened. I had completely forgotten about him asking about it earlier. What could I say? I couldn't dare tell anyone about daddy hurting me. He'd get in trouble and they'd surely send him away. Then who would I have? I'd be all alone. I worried more about daddy getting in trouble than me being all alone. I just couldn't tell.

"I fell." I replied swiftly as I fiddled with the charms on my pencil bag.

Mr.Carter grabbed the pencil bag from my hands and tossed it to the side. I gasped lowly as he grabbed onto my shoulders and positioned by body so that I too was facing him.

"Beyonce, please tell me." He rubbed over the back of my hand with his thumb. "I care about you a lot you know?" My eyes darted from his hands to his eyes. "You do?" He nodded. "Of course I do. We're friends remember? Friends don't lie to each other, now do they?" I shook my head as I slightly bowed my head in shame. It was wrong of me to lie to Mr.Carter. When Robyn and I were friends, we'd tell each other everything. I never lied to her. I told her everything that I was feeling and thinking.

"It was an accident." I whimpered.

His brows furrowed. "What was an accident?"

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