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C H A P T E R  N I N E - F I G H T


It was a rainy day today so I wasn't able to sit at the bleachers. I was too afraid of sitting in the cafeteria so I opted for the bathroom stalls. It wasn't my first time eating in here and probably wouldn't be my last. As I sat on the closed toilet seat quietly nibbling on my banana, I heard the main door to the bathroom open and loud whispers soon followed after. I instantly brought my knees up to my chest and placed my feet up onto the seat as I tried swallowing the access mushed banana that filled up my cheeks.

"Did you hear about Chris' party on Saturday?" A girl loudly spoke.

"Yeah, are you going?" The other girl replied as I heard the two doors that I was sandwiched between open, shut and then lock.

"Of course I'm going. I just don't know what to wear." The other girl huffed.

They continued to chat back and forth loudly as their pee hit the toilet water. I continued to silently chew as I prayed that they would just finish up and leave. I was too afraid of making any sudden movements so I sat completely still. The position that I was sat in was extremely uncomfortable and I felt my ankles and knees begin to burn.

"Aren't you afraid of things being a bit awkward?"

I heard the toilet beside me flush.

"No, we've both mo-"

The girl was cut off when I loudly shrieked and went falling onto the wet bathroom floors. My half eaten banana fell and rolled into the stall beside me. I gasped and quickly got back up onto the toilet seat and squatted. I placed my hands onto the opposite sides of the stall walls to balance myself and nervously bit onto my lip.

"Who's in there?" The girl spoke.

My eyes widened as I heard soft knocking against the door. The knocking continued and that's when panic began to set it.

"You okay in there? You want your banana back?"

One of the girls scoffed. "Why would she want it back? It's been on the floor."

"I was just asking." The other replied.

"N-no." I finally spoke.

Please leave. Please leave. I didn't want anyone to know that I was the one eating in the bathroom. Not only was it really gross, but it was super embarrassing. I've honestly been humiliated and embarrassed enough. I didn't know these girls and wasn't sure if they were kind or not. Knowing the type of school I attended, I had zero faith that they were any kind of kind.

"Beyoncé?" One of the girls spoke.

I stayed silent. "Are you okay?" The same voice spoke again. Still, I didn't speak. I just hoped that they'd leave me alone.

I heard a sigh. "Why are you eating in the bathroom?"

"Girl, you know why." The other replied.

"Ouch." She yelped.

"Shut up." The girl hissed.

"Beyoncé sweetie, come out please."

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