Winning Y/N's friendship : The plan

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With the Y/N dating scandal from five months ago finally fading into obscurity, I could finally breathe a sigh of relief, secure in the knowledge that Y/N would inevitably choose a guy who was...well, let's face it, someone like me. I mean, why wouldn't she? I was charming, talented, and not to mention, incredibly good-looking. It was practically a no-brainer.

But just as I settled into a false sense of security, PD-nim dropped a bombshell on us—apparently, we were all going on a trip together to Hawaii to foster a sense of family bonding and unity within the label. And while the idea of a tropical getaway sounded like a dream come true, the reality of the situation hit me like a ton of bricks.

You see, while the other members had grown closer to Y/N over the past few months, forming tight-knit bonds of friendship and camaraderie, I was still stuck in that awkward limbo of neither friend nor foe. Meanwhile, Taehyung was practically best friends with her, sharing inside jokes and secret handshakes like they'd known each other for years.

As I watched them interact with ease, a pang of jealousy gnawed at my insides. How had Taehyung managed to worm his way into Y/N's heart so effortlessly while I struggled to even strike up a conversation with her without tripping over my own words?

But then it hit me—I needed to step up my game if I wanted to stand a chance at winning Y/N's friendship. And what better way to do that than by turning on the charm and unleashing my full arsenal of flirtatious antics?

I mean, sure, it wasn't exactly my usual modus operandi, but desperate times called for desperate measures. And if that meant resorting to shameless flirting to win Y/N over, then so be it.

So, armed with nothing but my trademark smile and a healthy dose of misplaced confidence, I set out to turn the tables and become Y/N's best friend. 

Yeah, because clearly, doing aegyo and batting my eyelashes at her was the best way to become her best friend.

I called for an emergency meeting in the living room, my heart pounding with nervous excitement as I rolled in a sleek whiteboard. The other members gathered around, curiosity etched into their expressions as they eyed the unfamiliar addition to our living space.

"When the hell did we get a whiteboard?" Yoongi hyung quipped, his trademark skepticism evident in his voice.

"Shhh!" I hushed him, shooting him a pointed look before clearing my throat and adopting my most serious expression. This was no time for jokes; my plan to win over Y/N's affections required the utmost focus and dedication.

"Now, I know you all may be really concerned for my relationship with Y/N," I began, clasping my hands together and adjusting the glasses perched precariously on the bridge of my nose. I needed to look smart, authoritative, like a man with a plan.

"We aren't," Yoongi hyung interjected bluntly, earning himself another sharp glare from yours truly. Honestly, the nerve of some people.

Ignoring his comment, I forged ahead, determined to lay out my meticulously crafted strategy for winning Y/N's heart. "What's with the glasses? And are those mine?" Namjoon hyung piped up, his brow furrowing in confusion.

"Uhm—no!" I replied quickly, brushing off his question with a nervous laugh. Note to self: return these glasses to Namjoon hyung before he realizes they're missing.

But I couldn't let myself be derailed by petty distractions. No, I had a mission to accomplish, and nothing—not even a pair of borrowed glasses—was going to stand in my way.

With a deep breath, I launched into my master plan, outlining each step with painstaking detail as the other members listened with varying degrees of skepticism and amusement.

"Alright, time to put my master plan into action," I declared, my voice oozing with confidence as I prepared to execute the first phase of my foolproof strategy. "Step one: Be charming. Check. Step two: Flirt shamelessly. Double check. Step three: Win over Y/N's affections with my irresistible wit and undeniable charm. Triple check."

With a determined nod, I turned to face my eager audience, a mischievous glint in my eye as I prepared to embark on what was sure to be the adventure of a lifetime. After all, what could possibly go wrong?

I squared my shoulders and met the skeptical gazes of my fellow members head-on, determination blazing in my eyes as I prepared to defend my grand plan.

"Come on, guys, hear me out," I pleaded, my voice tinged with a hint of desperation. "This is foolproof! I've thought it through, and I'm telling you, it's gonna work."

Taehyung couldn't contain his laughter, doubling over with mirth as he wiped tears of amusement from his eyes. "Jiminie, you're adorable, but this plan is next-level ridiculous," he chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief.

Jungkook nodded in agreement, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "Yeah, hyung, I love you and all, but there's no way this is gonna end well," he chimed in, his tone laced with amusement.

I bit back a retort, refusing to let their mockery dampen my spirits. "You guys just don't understand," I insisted, my voice growing more impassioned by the second. "This is about ending the awkwardness once and for all! No more tiptoeing around each other, no more awkward silences—just pure, unadulterated friendship."

Yoongi hyung rolled his eyes, clearly unimpressed by my impassioned speech. "Jimin, listen to yourself. This isn't some romantic comedy where you can win over the girl with a cheesy pickup line and a charming smile, it's friendship; being genuine. Which I get is a foreign concept to you and your pettyself." he deadpanned, his sarcasm dripping like honey from his words.

But I refused to be deterred. "Well, maybe it should be!" I shot back, my voice rising in pitch with each word. "Maybe the world could use a little more romance and charm and—"

"Jiminie, you're delusional," Hoseok interjected, his laughter echoing through the room as he exchanged amused glances with the other members. "But hey, if you're determined to crash and burn, who are we to stop you?"

I bristled at his words, my resolve hardening like steel as I squared my shoulders and met their skeptical gazes head-on. "Mark my words, gentlemen," I declared, a fire burning in my eyes. "This plan is gonna work, and when it does, Y/N will be begging to be my best friend."

Namjoon hyung raised an eyebrow in amusement, his lips curling into a knowing smirk. "Are you sure you don't have a crush on her or anything?" he repeated, his tone teasing yet oddly perceptive.

The question hit me like a ton of bricks, knocking the wind right out of my lungs as I struggled to formulate a coherent response. "W-what?!" I sputtered, my cheeks flushing crimson with embarrassment.

My heart hammered in my chest like a drumbeat as I frantically searched for a way to deflect the question, to mask the truth hidden beneath layers of denial and uncertainty. "N-no! You do!" I blurted out, my voice coming out in a rushed tumble of words.

Namjoon hyung blinked in surprise, clearly caught off guard by my sudden accusation. "Me..?" he echoed, pointing to himself in disbelief.

"Yeah, you," I insisted, my words gaining momentum as I seized upon the opportunity to divert attention away from myself. "You're always going to the library together, and at that author's fan sign together. You're turning my Y/N into a nerd, you know," I rambled, the words spilling from my lips before I could stop them.

My eyes widened in horror as I realized what I had just said—my Y/N. The possessive tone slipped out before I could stop it, betraying the depth of my feelings in a single phrase.

Oh no...



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