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Right after school Catherine got into a taxi, but instead of going home she decided to visit her father first. "Stark tower. That tall, hideous building." She mutters before digging inside of her bag for her wallet.

Catherine walks into the building and spares a glance and smile to the lady at the front desk. The old lady knew her all too well, she welcomed her all the time when Catherine was younger. She always dressed formally and smelled like fresh citrons. Nothing about her ever changed, except for her light brown hair which was mostly grey by now.

Her greetings were always the same, as if Tony had programmed a robot to not hire an actual person.
'Good afternoon, sweetheart.'
'How are you, honey?'
Even though Catherine had never met the man before, she wouldn't find it surprising if he actually did so.

She took the elevator to the 32nd floor where her father worked in cross-something DNA. Catherine never paid attention and she truly couldn't care less about what her father was doing all day long instead of spending time with his beloved daughter.

The elevator made a ding sound, announcing her designation. She took the oh-so familiar hallway to her father's desk He had one of the largest rooms.

Catherine could always recognise his office from thousands, because of one simple thing.
Her paintings from when she was young. Except that none were hung up.
Her Black Widow pictures were probably stuffed in one big box or thrown away by now.

The room was white, hideous and soul-less. She figured that Stark went with the most depressing and plain design ever to make it look 'modern'.

Yikes, another thing Catherine didn't like.
Everywhere she looked she should see beautiful things with souls being modernised into depressing non-colorful things.

The main example she could give was her own house. The once vibrant and welcoming home was turned into a house, grey and hideous. Ever since her mother passed, it seemed her father made it his life mission to delete any remainings of her, even the purple ladybug magnet on the fridge that once held a purpose, that he swore he liked. But not enough to pay attention to it. Just like his daughter.

He looked busy on the phone. "Catherine. What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at school?"
He asked after hanging up the phone.

"Uh, school ended about half an hour ago," She chuckled awkwardly.

"Right." He sighed, sounding quite disappointed, after glancing at the clock.
"Well, Im very busy right now. Do your homework or whatever. Just don't touch anything. I'll be right back." He dismissed her before disappearing into the hallway with some papers in his hands.
"Of course..." Catherine murmured and put her bag on his -freakishly neat- desk. Well, when you spend most of your time at work, you may as well make it bearable.

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