My Y/N : I don't like her!

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Oh no...

"Guys, seriously, it was just a slip of the tongue," I insisted, my voice tinged with desperation as I tried to convince my skeptical members that there was nothing going on between me and Y/N.

Namjoon hyung arched an eyebrow skeptically, his gaze boring into me with an intensity that made me squirm uncomfortably. "A slip of the tongue, huh?" he mused, his tone laced with doubt. "Seems like a pretty big slip to me."

I shook my head frantically, my palms growing clammy with nerves as I struggled to come up with a plausible explanation for my inexplicable slip-up. "No, really, I don't like her like that," I insisted, my words coming out in a rushed tumble of denial.

But Jin hyung wasn't convinced. "Come on, Jimin, we've known you for years. We can tell when you're lying," he chided, his tone gentle yet firm.

I groaned inwardly, feeling the weight of their scrutiny bearing down on me like a leaden cloak. How could I make them understand that there was nothing romantic between me and Y/N?

Yoongi hyung snorted in amusement, his lips curling into a smirk as he exchanged a knowing glance with the others. "So what you're saying is, you accidentally called her 'my Y/N' because...?"

"Because I...uh...I meant to say 'your Y/N'," I blurted out, my face flushing crimson with embarrassment. "Yeah, that's it! Your Y/N, not mine. Definitely not mine."

Hobi hyung chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. "Smooth, Jimin, real smooth," he teased, his laughter echoing in the room.

But I wasn't about to give up that easily. "Seriously, guys, you've got it all wrong. Y/N and I are just...acquaintances. Nothing more, nothing less," I insisted, my voice growing increasingly desperate with each passing moment.

As my members dispersed, leaving me alone in the living room, I sank down onto the floor with a heavy sigh, my mind swirling with conflicting thoughts and emotions.

"I don't like her," I muttered to myself, as if saying the words out loud would somehow make them true. "It was just a slip of the tongue, that's all."

But deep down, I knew that wasn't entirely true. Sure, maybe I didn't have romantic feelings for Y/N, but there was something about her that drew me in like a moth to a flame. It wasn't just curiosity; it was something more...something I couldn't quite put into words.

I wanted to know everything about her—her hopes, her dreams, her fears. I wanted to be the one she turned to when she needed a shoulder to cry on, the reason for that beautiful smile that lit up her face. I wanted to be her friend, her confidant, her rock in times of need.

But as I sat there alone in the empty room, the reality of my situation began to sink in. Y/N and I were still just acquaintances, barely even friends. And yet, the thought of being anything less than her everything filled me with a sense of longing and regret that I couldn't quite shake.

"No, I don't like her," I repeated to myself, trying to convince myself of a truth that felt increasingly uncertain with each passing moment. "I just...want to be there for her. As a friend. Yeah, that's it. Just a friend."

As I sat upright, a strange sense of realization washed over me, like a wave crashing against the shore of my consciousness. The fluttering and sometimes possessive feelings I harbored towards Y/N were suddenly thrust into the spotlight, not just for my members to see, but for myself as well.

I had never considered Y/N as a romantic interest before, but now that the idea had been planted in my mind, it was hard to ignore. The thought of us being more than just friends was...intriguing, to say the least. But now wasn't the time to dwell on such thoughts.

Pushing aside the swirling vortex of emotions threatening to engulf me, I forced myself to focus on the task at hand. Becoming Y/N's best friend was my top priority, and I was determined to make it happen.

But first, I needed to pack my bags for the trip. With a newfound sense of purpose, I rose to my feet and made my way to my room, the image of Y/N's smiling face burned into my mind like a beacon guiding me towards my goal.

♡My Y/N : I don't like her!♡


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