Day 5: Polyamory

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English is not my native language!

Ship: Mumbo x Grian x Scar

Hermitcraft Season 10

Remember; this is how I view the characters, this is my way of portraying them. If at any point you discover you don't like the story or the way it's written or disagree with how I portraited the characters, you can leave.

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Mumscarian week, day 5: "Polyamory."

Grian and Mumbo go to visit Jimmy and Scott, while Scar stays on Hermitcraft to bother Tango. Apparently all three of them have questions about polyamory and (accidentally) talk about it to the ones in such a relationship. Although they're unaware of the other's thoughts and feelings, they all decide to take the leap and confront each other.

Aka, Jimmy has to deal with pesky Grian, Scott tricks Mumbo into talking and Tango really wishes Scar would just leave him be.



And that's how the blonde's day got ruined with just one word. Just kidding. Jimmy didn't actually mind Grian's company, although the other could be a real menace. And Jimmy still had work to do. "Grian," he greeted," to what do I owe this... pleasure?"

Grian made his way through the wheatfield, a smirk on his face. "Nothing, just wanted to visit my dear friend," he sing-sang. Jimmy rolled his eyes as he packed away another stack of wheat. He didn't pay much attention to the other as he continued. "Couldn't you pester one of your boyfriends?"

"They are not my boyfriends," Grian hissed, making Jimmy raise an eyebrow. The red sweatered man looked over the wheat towards where Mumbo stood talking to Scott, hoping to Void that the other hadn't heard them. Jimmy stood up, looked from Grian to the other two with a questioning look on his face. He looked back at Grian, amused as he noticed the slight coloration on the other's cheek.

"Then how did you know who I was talking about?"

Grian grew even more red, pointedly crossing his arms. "They are. Not. My. Boyfriends." Jimmy raised his hands in surrender after tying up another stack. He decided to give the other his full attention, feeling like he needed it. "But you wouldn't mind if they were, would you?"

A heavy kind of silence settled over the two of them as Jimmy stared intently at Grian, who's expression grew sombre. A small nod of the head. Jimmy looked over at Scott and Mumbo and gave a small wave as he noticed Scott looking back. Scott seemed to understand him and took Mumbo inside the Ranch.

"Okay, tell me what's bothering you," he said, sitting down on a bale of wheat, patting the spot beside him. Grian watched carefully how Mumbo disappeared into the building, before taking a seat. After a bit of silence, and gathering his jumbled thoughts, he spoke up.

"How did you do it?"

His eyes were on the mud in front of his shoes, hands wringing together. "How did you handle having a crush on 2 people?" he clarified. Jimmy hummed thoughtfully. "Well, you're situation is different from mine," he started," Me and Scott were already together, before Tango joined us." Grian looked up to see a small smile on Jimmy's face.

"You know me. I always wear my heart on my sleeve and my emotions clear as day on my face," he chuckled," there never was much denying things from my side. Scott and me slowly but surely grew closer together. For the longest time we didn't put a name to our relationship, which we were fine with. But then Double Life happened and Tango came into the picture."

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