Chapter Two

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"I'm thinking about getting married."

Benedict, who had been tipping his chair on the back two legs, fell over. At the same time, Colin started to choke on his drink.

Luckily, Benedict had regained his seat and began to smack him on the back, sending a green olive sailing across the table, narrowly missing Anthony's ear. Which he ignored, knowing his sudden declaration came as a shock.

After all, he had spent the last decade or so being an utter and the worst rake. He took his pleasure where he may—not bothering with societal views. He knew life was short; one minute, he could be here, and the next, he could be gone, just like his father Edmund, who had passed at a young age.

Yet, he still had a specific code of honor regarding his dalliances.

He never dallied with society's young women. Any well-bred young woman was off-limits.

Apart from one young lady, and that had been a mistake on his part.

But that had been years ago, and she was why his code of honor had been set in the first place.

"Are you joking?" Colin questioned, clearing his throat.

"Does that look like the face of a joking man, Colin?" Benedict pointed at Anthony, who was lost in his thoughts, a frown appearing on his face. "Good, God, Anthony, you can't be frowning because of an olive. I saw it clearly, and it didn't even touch you."

"Maybe his decision to marry has finally caught up with him," Colin said, sipping his drink. "Could it have anything to do with Priscilla Featherington's return?"

Anthony suddenly sat up straighter, staring at his younger brother in shock. "Priscilla Featherington is back?"

Colin glanced at Benedict before returning his gaze to Anthony. "I thought you knew; she seems to have recently arrived. Her arrival was in the new Whistledown paper. At least, that's what I overheard Mother and Eloise discussing."

"Surely, she is the reason you have suddenly decided to marry," Benedict said, knowing of his brother's infatuation with the eldest of the Featherington daughters.

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