The boys are back in town!

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As Ecto-1 came to a halt its sirens did too. The boys climbed out of the car and stretched. They had been at a bust since early this morning. Some old lady was haunting an orphanage and the children were being tormented.

Peter hung up his proton pack and turned to Winston. Ray took off his goggles and rubbed his face in exhaustion. Egon checked his watch briefly. "Guys...." He began.

"What?" Peter groaned. The others turned to the scientist. Janine shook her head disappointed and walked away from her desk.

"Did anyone leave a note?" Egon asked awkwardly. Peter chuckled and Rays face sunk.

"Where on earth have you all been?!" A voice yelled down from the stairs. Ray hurried to take off his proton pack and his jumpsuit.

"Good luck to you guys...I'm going home..." Peter patted Winston's shoulder with a grin.

"Peter Venkman! You stay put!" Finally the woman came out of the darkness. She was younger, with piercing eyes and a no-nonsense expression. She wore a suit vest with matching pants with a white button up shirt. Her brown hair was straightened neatly to suit her face with a pair of big glasses.

"You left no note! The car was gone! No messages! Your beds were empty! Do you have any idea how worried I was!?" She yelled. Her stance was strong as she stormed over to the men.

She lectured them, her voice echoing through the hallway, as the Ghostbusters exchanged guilty glances. They knew they had some explaining to do, and it wouldn't be an easy task to appease this stern woman. "Marnie....listen" Peter began.

Marnie, or Margaret had been working with the ghostbusters since they blew up New York. She was in charge of the bills, legal paperwork, and thorough documentation of each and every single case. (That last one she insists on doing herself)

"Shut it Peter! I got here and you all were gone! What the hell!?" She looked at Egon. "I expected it from Peter, maybe Winston but not you two!" She pointed to Egon and Ray. Egon raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.

"What do you have to say for yourself!?" She scoffed The Ghostbusters exchanged nervous glances as Margret folded her arms, waiting for their response.

"Look, Marnie, we can explain," Ray began, trying to defuse the situation. She threw her hands up in defeat. "Do you understand how hard it is being a clairvoyant in this business!?" Margret shook her head in frustration. "I'm constantly worried and I swear at this point I might as well be your moth-" she paused. "Holy shit.."

Peter laughed. "I am so sorry....I have no idea I was acting that way..." she smiled awkwardly. It was too often she found herself acting like the boys mother. With not a great relationship with her own mother she often found herself apologizing for her behavior.

"But if you guys keep taking jobs and getting back at.." she looked at her watch carefully. "5:34 in the morning then we have some issues! It's not healthy!"

Ray seethed while hearing the time. "Is already 5:30?" He blinked. Margaret shook her head.

"Go get what little sleep you can...because once it hits seven....its going to be a busy day..." she waved them off and walked over to the kitchen.

Margaret walked over to Janine who was reading a magazine. "What are you doing?" Janine glanced up from her magazine, flashing Margaret a quick smile. "Waiting for the coffee to finish...."

Margaret rolled her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose "You haven't made coffee yet? Is there any way to make this morning worse? " she muttered under her breath. Just as she finished speaking, the phone began to ring, shattering the relative peace of the early morning.

"I'll get it...don't want to disturb your reading..." Marnie picked up the phone. "Ghostbusters how can we help you?"

"When do you want to schedule this appointment?"  Egon watched from afar as Margaret sat on the edge of the desk. Her legs crossed as she scribbled down an address.

She turned to Janine after putting down the phone. "I wrote down details for an appointment coming up! You're just going to have to figure out what to do with that information."

Margaret sighed and ran her hand over her face. She had met Egon in college. They took physics together. They eventually found out that together they were top of the class. Egon smiled to himself, remembering the intensity and passion in Margaret's eyes during their college days.

Margaret stood up and tied up her hair. "Egon?" She sauntered over while fixing her glasses. "Do you have the details from your last bust?"

His eyes shot up to meet hers. "I do, would you like them for examination?" He fixed his posture as she smirked at him.

"Why else would I be asking you?" Margaret said. Her brown eyes meeting his. Egon swallowed.

"Well-I-you wouldn't be asking me otherwise." He stumbled over his words as his palms became clammy.

Margaret chuckled and patted his shoulder. "I would appreciate the details so I can work while the guys sleep."

Egon raised his eyebrows and opened the door to his office. Egons office was messy but messy in a way you could still navigate. Papers thrown on one desk and his experiments on the other a stool in between the two so you could quickly go from desk to desk. On the walls papers and blueprints were pinned up.

Egon handed her a small notebook and a tape. Margaret seethed as the tape touched her palm. "It was a nasty beast this morning. Class 4 throwing things at the kids and hurting them in their sleep."

Margaret examined the tape. "That's there anything I should be warned about before I watch it?" She looked back up at Egon with a more worried face.

The two were similar heights but Margaret was still a little shorter than Egon. He was the genius who rarely felt anything and she was the genius who felt too much.

"Ray swears a couple times and it's pretty loud but that's all really." He slips on his lab coat and sits on the stool. "I wouldn't know what you would see differently. If you have any questions feel free to come get me."

Margaret smiles and ruffles his hair. "Thanks Spengs" he awkwardly smiles back at her as she walks out of his office.

Margaret is quickly met by Janine who is holding two coffees as she closes Egon's office door. "Your" Janine blinked.

Margaret looked at her with a concerned face and took the coffee with an uncomfortable look. "Thanks..."

She trudged upstairs with her hands full. Using her hip she pushed her office door open.

Compared to Egon's office hers was a wreck. Papers pinned on the walls with scribbles on them. Her desk was littered with paperwork and books. A small tv was sitting on her desk as well with a lamp next to it. An extension cord stretched across her office to plug those things in. Though it was hazardous it was where she spent most of her time.

Empty coffee mugs sat on the bookshelf next to the door. She turned on her lamp and slid the tape into the player. She pulled a notebook from her drawer and grabbed a pen.

Margaret paused and looked at a picture on her desk. She stood proudly in a blue gown with a graduation cap in her hair as she held a diploma in her hand with a large smile. Next to her was an awkward boy who Margaret had her other arm around with dark curly hair and glasses who smiled uncomfortably.

That boy was Egon Spengler.

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