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Ecto-1 pulled into the garage. Margaret rolled her eyes as Peter began yelling in the car.

"Egon... can you get me some tea?" Her voice became hoarse. Egon nodded with a slight smile and walked over to the kitchen.

Peter stepped out of the car with his hands thrown up in the air. "But Mr Prick-Peck I do have to say the last time you shut us down the city exploded." She quipped.

Peck sighed. "This so called business you are running is damaging our environment." 

Margaret rolled her eyes and took a mug from Egon. "Thank you" she swallowed.

The marks on her neck seemed to finally stay at a dark purple color. Her eyes were teary and her voice became hoarse.


Margaret had taken Peck into her office. It had gotten dark out and Egon sat on the sofa reading through Tobins Spirit Guide. "Get the hell off my premises!" Margaret's office door slammed open.

Peck stumbled down the stairs and made his way for the door. "I don't want you back here without proper reason!" Margaret watched as her slammed the door behind him.

Egon turned to face Margaret who rubbed her face while in pain. "Margaret?" He said. She turned to look at him.

"Yes Egon?" She walked down the stairs over to the sofa. Her tired eyes locked with his.

"Would you enjoy um-" he swallowed. "Gathering information with me in my lab over ectoplasmic entities and environmental conditions?"

His wide eyes looked deep into hers. "Egon...." She sighed. "If you want me to sit with you just say it. I'm leaving all the bullshit till tomorrow." She chuckled while placing her empty mug on the coffee table.

"What was the yelling about?" He asked quickly.

Margaret looked at the ground. "He's just annoying, you know?"

Egon knew. Everyone knew, even Janine who never seemed to know anything.

Egon held the door to his lab open for Margaret to enter. She ducked under his arm and entered the lab.

Her white button up shirt was now unbuttoned near her neck. She peeled off her vest and hung it on a chair. Egon cleared his throat and closed the door behind him.

"So? What do you think about the house?" She sat down in the chair and rubbed her face.

"I think that the entity living there is staying there until something happens to the house." Egon sat in the chair across from her.

"It's fucked in the head man," she groaned. "What was the house like when I was gone?"

"Winston found something in the stairs to the basement then you stopped breathing."

She swallowed and fixed her glasses. "That's uh...great. Let's focus on the um tests first."

She rolled her chair over to the table next to Egon.

The feeling of being next to him in a lab was calming. Reminding her of the first time they met.

They were both awkward.

"Holy shit..." Margaret swallowed. She wore a baby blue dress with flowers and her hair was tied with a ribbon.

Margaret Connor was written on the internship list.

The internship was only for five people. Out of a class of 32 students she was one of them.

But she was the second name. The one above hers was Egon Spengler.

"Which one are you?" A curly haired boy stood next to her. He wore a sweater vest and round glasses.

"Margaret Connor." She smiled. "You are?"

"Egon," he outstretched his hand.

She shook it and said, "you're in my physics class, right?"

Egon looked at the clock hung over some posters. It read 10:36. He turned to talk to Margaret but because he was so still for so long he didn't realize she had fallen asleep on his shoulder.

Catching her torso from falling he nudged her softly. "Hey, Margaret."

Her eyes fluttered open slightly, "hmm?" She rubbed her face while half asleep.

"Come here." Egon stood up and looked at her before grabbing her waist to keep her steady.

He began to walk her to the sofa as she stumbled with each step.

Her eyes were now closed again.

And a good thing that was because Egon was a bright red as her head rested in the nook of his neck.

She began to mumble. "Kalvon wants it-"

As Egon laid her on the sofa he listened to her rambling.


A familiar name yet never spoken.

"Spengs?" Another voice said. He turned around to be met by Ray.

"Hey," Egon laid out a blanket on top of Margaret.

"I thought Margaret left?" Ray walked over to his friends.

Margaret refused to stay at the firehouse overnight. Saying that it was unprofessional and she didn't want to interfere with the guys schedule.

"She didn't, it's partially my fault too." Egon looked away from Margaret's sleeping figure. She began to shift on the sofa "I just couldn't stand the sight of her so stressed. I couldn't-"

"Selina Moore!" She shouted while sitting up on the sofa. "It's..." she began to mumble with wide eyes.

Ray turned to her quickly and took her hands. "Hey, it's okay."

"No...Selina-" Margaret frantically looked around.

The phone began to ring. Egon turned to the desk and glanced back at the others.

"It happened to Selina." Margaret searched Rays eyes.

"Marnie, Selina Moore is missi-"

"She's dead...Selina Moore is dead"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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