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Margaret finishes watching the video for the fourth time and takes off her glasses. She rubs her face aggressively and grabs her coffee. Two other busts had happened today and just documenting those three took hours

Sadly there's no coffee in the cup. With a disappointed sigh she quickly writes down her last note and slams her notebook closed.

Margaret has about four notebooks completely filled with writing. Shes so thorough with her wording that even the margins are filled with extra notes.

Why does she do this you may ask? Ever since prick shut down their containment grid she has made the dedication of writing down every detail of each bust. Minute by minute, second by second. So if they were ever to take them to court for environmental damage they would have extensive proof of what they are doing is not dangerous.

Watching the footage from this morning was mostly listening to Peter complain about being awake so early. Then there was the moment of Ray screaming.

As they ran down the hall a ghost chased behind Ray. "You Fuckwaffle!" He screamed as the ghost pushed him to the ground.

Margaret stepped off the stairs with a sigh and was met with the gaze of Ray, Peter and Winston. "How many times did you watch that video?" Ray sighed while fixing his shirt.

She chuckled while leaning on the couch. "At least four times," Margaret winked while turning to the kitchen.

She had met Ray during college. No they weren't super close but now that she worked with him they bonded. She wasn't going to go to Peter about her emotions.

She had just met Winston and he didn't seem like the kind of person to really care.

And Egon....was Egon.

So after a family dinner or reunion she would go to Ray. If she needed advice she would go to Ray.

"Look...I know your birthday is coming up so I thought we could have a party at my know to celebrate." Margaret poured another cup of coffee. Ray smiled.

"For me?" He asked. Peter patted his shoulder.

"Of course it's for you buddy! Who else would it be for? Robin Williams?" Peter mocked. Margaret rolled her eyes.

"My place, Saturday, 4:00. And Peter... bring Dana I'd love to meet her." She turned to head back upstairs. "Winston you're invited too!" She pointed to Winston who gave her a thumbs up while taking a bite of a Twinkie.

"Who ate my last Twinkie?" Egon came out of the kitchen holding and empty Twinkie box. Margaret looked at Winston as he shoved the Twinkie into his mouth. Winston covered his mouth and rushed upstairs as Egon accused the others of eating the Twinkie.

The phone rang again. Expecting Janine to pick it up Margaret stood with the guys while they bickered over the Twinkie. Peter threw his hands up and headed for what they assumed was the bathroom.

It continued to ring. "Where the hell is Janine?" Margaret threw her hands up in defeat.

"She went home. It's five o'clock." Egon states while checking his watch.

"Really?" Margaret chuckled while picking up the phone. " can we help you?"

Egon and the others watched her as her expression dropped and she became focused on the phone. She scribbled words down on some paper and nodded. Not long after she hung up the phone and rubbed her face.

"Suit on up guys....we've got a rough one." Is all she said while pressing the alarm.

"We?" Ray questioned as he walked to his locker.

Lacuna-(An Egon Spengler x Reader fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now