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Egon took a deep breath as Margaret closed her eyes. Lightning struck outside causing Egon to open his eyes. Everyone sat at the table with concern in their eyes.

"Don't worry, she will be back in mere moments," Egon began as he noticed Clara's discomfort. "For us it is just a deep breath but for her mind it could be years-"

Margaret's hand clenched Egon's. He turned to her worried. Margaret still had her eyes closed but her mouth was moving. She was muttering something to herself quietly.

Clara's eyes didn't move from Margaret. "Marvin..." she whispered. Egon's brows furrowed as he tried to pry his hand away from Margaret's.

"Spengler! There's something down here! The P.K.E is off the charts!" Winston yelled from across the house. Egon began to gently shake Margaret.

"Where?" Egon asked. Clara's eyes began to tear up.

"The basement stairs!" Margaret became still so did Egon.
Her chest no longer rising and falling, and her lips no longer moving.

"He's killing her!" Clara ripped her hand away from her mother's. "He's trying to kill her!!"

Egon's eyes widened and he began to shake her "Margaret!" Her eyes shot open with a gasp.


Margaret's body language was different. She was constantly looking around and made sure all the ghostbusters were in her sight.

"Listen," she swallowed while sitting down next to Mr and Mrs Carter. "What ever this thing wants you all gone."

They looked at each other with concerned faces. "That means?" Said Mr Carter.

"I would recommend you stay somewhere else for the time being," Margaret loosened her collar and pulled her hair from her ponytail.

Egon looked over at the adults conversing in the living room. Mrs Carter choked out a sob into her hands. Margaret looked over to Egon and Ray as they stood in the doorway.

Margaret's neck now had faint hand like bruises slowly getting darker. "I'm sorry," she looked into the parent's eyes. "It's safer for her, and we will do what we can."

Clara sauntered over to Rays side. "Mr Stantz?" She sniffled. With a raised eyebrow Ray turned to the little girl.

"Yes?" He asked. Clara looked up at him with tired eyes.

"Is she going to be okay?"  Clara said while glancing over at Margaret. "Marvin is scary, but he's never hurt anyone before." Ray kneeled next to Clara.

"Marnie is one of the strongest people I know, there's nothing you need to worry about." Clara smiled softly.

"She said you were funny, can you tell me a joke?" Ray turned white and his gaze drifted over to Peter who leaned on the doorway with a smirk.

"Yeah Ray, tell her one of your jokes." Peter said. Winston laughed from across the hall.

Awkwardly Ray adjusted his goggles. "Not right now, alright kid?"

"Thank you all for coming to check out the house." Mrs Carter handed Margaret a piece of paper. "It's our number so you can call if anything new comes up."

The group bid their goodbyes and Margaret was gifted a drawing from Clara.

"Ray!" Peter chuckled. "What was that joke?" The rain outside had subsided immensely compared to when they arrived.

With a sigh Ray responded "What do you call a ghosts boobies?"

Peter chuckled. "I don't know Ray? What do you call ghost boobies? You would know wouldn't you?"

Ray rolled his eyes and finished his joke as he closed the proton pack rack. "Paranormal Entitties"

The guys laughed together as they climbed into the car. Egon turned to Margaret who looked lighter now that they were back outside.

"Is it acceptable for me to ride back to the firehouse with you?" He shifted on his feet awkwardly.

Margaret's face lit up slightly. "Um-I don't see why not!" She fixed her bag. Egon's hand drifted up to her collar.

Her breath hitched as he moved her messy hair from her neck. "Does it hurt?" He asked. Margaret's eyes gazed deeply into Egon's as they stood mere centimeters apart.

"I didn't know it was there until Clara said something earlier." She replied quietly.

"Lovebirds! Let's get going!" Peter patted the top of the car. Egon sighed in response as he stepped away from Margaret.

"Alright, alright!" Margaret laughed while jogging over to her car.


The music was playing quietly. Egon sat looking through his notebook and glanced out the window every now and then.

It was getting late and the wailing of Ecto-1 was farm behind them, but once they got back into the city the peaceful quiet was gone.

"That was an interesting call," Margaret began. Egon looked up from his notebook.

"It was, I'm going to stop at the library tomorrow to look through some books. I want to figure what's going on with that house." Egon said. Margaret sniffled.

"Something is off, when I walked in something was watching me. I just felt gross and then-" she turned down the road to the firehouse.


Egon let out a sigh and grabbed the walkie talkie. "Hey guys, Pecker is at the firehouse. Just wanted to give you guys a heads up."

A string of curses came from the other side of the radio. Margaret turned off the car after parking and stepped out before taking her things from the backseat.

"Mr Peck! What do we owe the pleasure of this time?" She stepped into the garage. The man in the suit sighed.

"Ms Conner-" Margaret shooed away his handshake and pressed the button to open the garage door for Ecto-1.

"I don't need your pleasantries, now what do you want?" She took off her coat and opened her locker.

"I wasn't aware you would be in the office right now-" Peck began. Margaret chuckled.

"Well I am here and currently on the clock so as manager and the person in this establishment who legally answers to the law. What do you want?"  Margaret pulled her glasses from her bag. "Is there a problem with me being present? Need I remind you I am the only one here with a law degree."

Peck swallowed.

Lacuna-(An Egon Spengler x Reader fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now