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Clara swallowed nervously . "That one right there is Dr Ray Stantz." She pointed to Ray as he set up his camera. "He's really nice, and he's really silly. I bet if you talk to him later he'll tell you a joke." Margaret said. Clara chuckled at her description of Ray.

"And that is Dr Peter Venkman," Margaret pointed to Peter who was scanning the stairs to the basement for P.K.E measurements. "He's also a goofy guy, buts he's kinda annoying." Clara waved over to Peter who looked at Margaret confused.

"You are hanging with a kid?" He mouthed as he waved back. "Be careful, she crazy!" He whispered to Clara with a wink.

"Shut up!" Margaret mouthed back with a smile. "And that is Winston Zeddmoore" Margaret pointed at Winston who began talking to Ray. "He's really nice too, granted he's not the smartest but he's loyal." Clara laughed at her words.

"Who's he?" She pointed to Egon who was fiddling with his notebook. Margaret smiled slightly at the sight of him being confused over a simple task.

"That's Dr Egon Spengler." She paused just to gaze at him for a moment.

"Do you like him?" Margaret turned to Clara with furrowed brows.

"What?" Clara laughed at her response.

"You just were looking at him funny! Like the way mom looks at dad!" Margaret sighed.

"Anyway...Dr Spengler likes sweets" Clara smiled. "That's who's here to help you, we aren't scary."

"I like you Marnie.You seem nice..." Margaret watched as she began to color with crayons again.

"Can I see your drawing?" She asked calmly while sliding over to sit next to Clara. Clara turned her paper to show a scribble drawing of the black silhouette.

"It's Marvin..when he's not being mean." Clara wiped her nose.

"Is Marvin mean a lot?" Clara nodded her head.

"But sometimes I don't think Marvin's the one doing it."

Egon looked up from his notebook and looked into the playroom where Margaret sat next to the little girl. A small smile creeped onto his lips. He paused and straightened himself.

What is he doing? Staring at Margaret that way. Was he sick? The constant thought of her in the back of his head wasn't normal either. What has Egon done?

Margaret nods at the little girl and stands up. She walks over to Egon. "I want the parents and Clara to sit at the table with us...I was to try and see if I can find anything before we go and destroy things."

Her gaze avoided his. She constantly looked around the room with her eyes wide. "Okay...I'll get them all to sit in one spot." She smiles softly.

Margaret sits down at the dinning table with a sigh. "Do you want me to stay? To wake you up if something happens?" Said Egon as he stood awkwardly at her side.

"I would like that, if it's not interfering with whatever you are doing." She looked at the others who stood in the hall. "Whatever it is you're doing..." she trailed off as Ray began fooling around.

Egon sat down in the chair next to her as the family gathered around the table. Margaret's posture became stiff as she moved in her chair.

Peter nudged Ray as Margaret began to explain to the family of what they were doing. "Look at him." Peter scoffed. Egon was gazing at Margaret softly. "What a suck up,"

"His ass is not listening." Peter smiled. Ray snorted at the comment. "He's just staring at her." He continued. Ray covered his mouth.

"We have to get this job done, stop being distracting Peter." Ray nudged Peters shoulder and Peter glared at him.

"Now if you would please hold hands with the people next to you." Margaret slid her prayer beads back over her head.

Egon looked at Margaret hand awkwardly as he looked away from Mrs Carter. He was supposed to hold her hand.

Why? That didn't matter...he was about to hold her hand for gods sake! By why? Was there a reason he didn't completely hear? Or was she just trying to hold his hand?

Egon shook his head slightly and placed his hand on hers.

Margaret's skin was cold. Her hands were soft and comforting as she ran her thumb across his knuckles. "I'm going to try and look, for something here to find out what we are dealing with," Margaret shifted in her seat.

Clara nodded with an uncomfortable look. "Now close your eyes,and clear your mind" Margaret smiled softly.

With her eyes closed Margaret took a deep breath and slowly opened her eyes. Across from her at the table was no longer Clara.

There wasn't anyone. Her hand no longer held Egons. The house was empty. The rain outside continued with the occasional flash of lightning being a light source.

Slowly standing up Margaret took her parter beads into her hands once more. "Hello?" She said. No response. "Hello?" She said again. A bang came from the stairwell across the house.

The basement stairwell.

Her heels quietly clicked on the floorboards as she walked toward the basement door.

She stood at the top of the stairs looking down at the dark doorway. "Marnie!" A familiar voice yelled as the door banged again.

Margaret's face sunk. "Egon?!" She ran down the stairs with her heels tripping every other step.

"Marnie help!" The voice yelled again. Her hands shook as she struggled to grab the silver nob.

"Egon!" She began to bang on the door. "It's okay! I'll-!" She paused. A flash of lightning lit up the upstairs for a moment.

A large looming shadow began to near, the floorboards creaking under its footsteps. "Marnie!" Egon screamed. A deep guttural growl came from whatever was upstairs.

Now in a panic Margaret turned to the door and began throwing herself at it. Trying to break through the wood as Egon's pleas grew louder.

Another flash of lightning and the thing was traveling down the stairs. "Marnie!" Egon screamed. Then there was another voice.


And another voice.


And another.


Her name was being shouted from everyone as the figure neared. She froze and just watched as it creeped closer.


"Marnie please!"

"Help us Marnie!"

Margaret's face clenched as the thing reached for her. She could do nothing as it neared her face. The air became cold and her breathing became harder.

"Marnie I need you!" 

Margaret's eyes shot open again at Egon's last plea. "Margaret!" Her hands shook as she felt Egon's face. "It's okay.." Egon comforted.


The only name Egon ever called her. Never Marnie.

With tears now falling down her face she pulled him into a deep hug. The Carters sat watching as Egon slowly melted into her embrace.

His hands moving hair from her face he looked over at the others. Her eyes drifted up to his.

"It's listening to us..." she whispered. "It didn't know my name but it knew Marnie," she paused. "This thing is not going anywhere."

Lacuna-(An Egon Spengler x Reader fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now