Silent Love

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My OG's should remember this one
This a return of the very first chapter I ever wrote of Ghost before that book was removed by wattpad, so huge fucking shout out to the one who sent me the screen recordings!!! Really hoping you send more ;)))) and to the one who told me I could use Google lens fo copy and paste all if it instead of switching between apps w memory LOL I appreciate it so much. These stories I wrote of Simon and lost were my best work and the fact that you were so sweet to give them to me I could cry honestly. I work so hard on these n the way wattpad took them without seen giving me a copy! I was sick ab it for WEEKS! Again, thank you two. 😊

Lose Control - Teddy Swims

Ghost was nothing more than a way to alleviate stress, you two knew that. But for some goddamn reason, your stupid heart attached to him anyway, no matter how empty each of his touches left you as time marched on. You'd lay beside him with your chest burning with the ache of being an outlet, not a haven. But it was what you needed, a touch... no matter how light or quick. It was still there and so were you.

'No more' you thought as you lay beside him in the dark, his heaving breathing indicating sleep took him just as fast as every other night.

This wasn't good for you, it was unhealthy and it hurt somewhere in your chest; the lack of reciprocating feelings... it drove you wild and kept you awake even long after ghosts attempt to put you to sleep every night.

Again, you sat up, you're gathering your clothes and shoes in the dark... taking one last glance back at him. You told yourself that this was it, no more creeping around with the Lieutenant who didn't seem to notice you until you're pinned under him, moaning and whining his name in a series of breathless pants.

You shook your head, needing air, space... anything to help this godawful gnawing hole that Simon left in your chest. He sure filled you up, but it left you empty in the heart and somewhere he knew that.

How could he not?

He saw the way tears formed at the corner of your eyes as you both rode out your orgasmic high, how your eyes wouldn't even dare to find his as he rode you.

Simon was far from an idiot, he knew how you felt and yet he felt just as helpless.

He was thankful for you, and it was deeper than sex. To ghost, you were that person a scared animal only flocked to, not letting anyone else's touches or words penetrate him like yours do. But of course, he'd never say that. For someone like Simon, him even looking your way was evident enough let alone sleeping with you practically every night. But he always found himself alone afterward, questioning whether or not this should continue.

It was pitiful really, both of you conflicted the same with absolutely no way to say it to one another. So he did what he refused to do any other night, as your hand wrapped around the door knob he sighed and spoke.

"You're always leavin' me." His rough voice pierces the still air and quiet night, you looked back at him as he sat up on the edge of the bed; his bare back to you as he awaited your response. He grabbed a cigarette and lit it, the orange hew lighting up his features momentarily.

You didn't know what to say, you thought you always slipped out unnoticed but his senses have grown very keen to you.

"You gonna say anythin' hm?" He asked once more, you let your hand fall from the door and stood there with your jacket in your hand.

Simon "Ghost" Riley one shots × readerWhere stories live. Discover now