Chapter 18- Ayato

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Kaname looked out the car window. They were traveling through a road surrounded by trees.

Akatsuki turned to look at Kaname. "I didn't think our Dorm President would defy the Senate."

Kaname still gazed out the window in silence.

"The public seems to sympathize with you, Kaname. Do you know what is being said about you? 'Lord Kaname saved a classmate of a different race, so he must be the one truly striving for peace unlike the Senate.'" Takuma smiled. "I'm proud of you, Kaname."

"I had no idea they were saying that. If it's true, I find it comforting." Kaname muttered.

Later, the trio entered the conference room where all the members of the Senate awaited their arrival.

Kaname sat down in a empty chair and Akatsuki and Takuma stood beside him. Kaname began to explain what happened at Cross Academy.

"Regarding last night's incident...we have decided that you did not rebel against us. We shall not execute Zero Kiryu as long as you attend Cross Academy." Lord Ichijo declared.

"Thank you, Ichio." Kaname smiled.

"On another note...Lord Kaname, we heard a girl that resembles Lord Hio attends the academy as well. She must be the daughter of Lady Shizuka and that ex-human servant." Lord Shiki frowned. "Given her bloodline's notoriety, she should not be left unchecked."

"I agree." A lady with a fur coat draped over her shoulders spoke next. "We could send someone to keep an eye on her...and if she dares to commit any transgressions then we'll deal with her. You won't have to dirty your hands, Lord Kaname."

"That won't be necessary." Kaname said. "It would be unfair for her to be punished when she hasn't wronged anyone."

"We are just trying to prevent another tragedy like the one that happened with Lady Shizuka from repeating itself." Another noble explained.

"Akari is a Night Class student, so I'll take responsibility for her." Kaname remarked. "I will personally deal with her if she causes any trouble."

"We'll trust your judgement, Lord Kaname. However, we'd like to see her." The noblewoman smiled. "Lord Aido is hosting a soiree the day after tomorrow. Why don't you have her attend? If she's as well behaved as you believe then it shouldn't be a problem for her to attend social events."

"That can be arranged." Kaname said.

"You defended your school-mate's honor and protected him, and you've supported your classmate despite her nature. Your fair and generous actions are truly befitting that of the head of the Kuran Clan." Lord Ichijo mused.

Kaname lowered his gaze. "There's something I have always wanted to request of the Senate. Please do not interfere with the affairs of Cross Academy anymore."

Lord Ichijo frowned.

Kaname looked into his eyes. "I do not want any bloodshed just as my deceased parents wanted peace, Ichio."


The next morning, Akari led Ayano into the garden.

"Roses, magnolias, hydrangeas, lilies...I almost feel like a princess standing close to so many beautiful flowers." Ayano said.

Akari thought back to her conversation with Kaname a while ago.

"The Senate will not execute Zero as long as I attend this academy." Kaname looked up at her. "However, I feel like I might have placed you in a tough spot."

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